Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress


Welcome to Step 2 of the Credit Enhancement formula. You will find all our training below, just click the links to access the videos

Now that you have a copy of your credit reports from each of the 3 major credit reporting agencies, you’re now ready to start analyzing each report. The first thing you want to do is scan over each account and each inquiry to ensure nothing is being reported inaccurately. If you see an account that’s not yours – dispute it online or give that credit reporting agency a call. Each credit report is a profile of you and how you manage your finances, so it’s important to be detailed. Things you wouldn’t think could be inaccurate can be, for example, the date an account was opened or your credit limit for a credit card doesn’t show a recent credit limit increase. Check over every detail and dispute any and all information that’s inaccurate.  Once you have gone through each report and disputed anything that is inaccurate, it’s now time to work on accurate derogatory information. If you received your reports online and it’s not a “3-in-1” credit report, ISet your spreadsheet in columns for each credit reporting agency and rows for each negative account. Your credit reports should mark which accounts are negative or derogatory for you.

While some negative accounts will be listed in each credit report, not all accounts will be listed in all credit reports. This is why it’s important to get each credit report. It’s also the main reason why each of your credit scores are different, because they are based on slightly different information in your credit reports. It could also have to do with the type of score (FICO, Vantage, and Plus scores), but we’ll get into that later. There is one other reason why you want to separate the reporting agencies who are and aren’t reporting negative information… If you were to dispute information that isn’t there, that credit reporting agency may go fishing for that information so they can report it. You don’t want to make life harder than it has to be, so only dispute and work on removing negative accounts with credit bureaus who are reporting it. As a side note: If you’re unfamiliar or unable to create a spreadsheet, pull out some paper and a pencil and make this by hand… You may be wondering why you should go through and make this form… Well in short, credit repair doesn’t happen overnight. It could be days, weeks, and in some cases months before you resolve negative accounts in your credit reports. Having everything clearly layed out allows you to come back to it later and easily figure out where you left off. Using the form above as an example, lets say you were successful at removing “Collectors LLC” from TransUnion. You could go into your spreadsheet and under the Transunion column mark it as removed on MM/DD/YYYY. Weeks later when you get it removed from another reporting agency, you can mark it as removed as well, and you can continue this pattern until your credit profile is spotless!