Program Overview + Road Ahead
About this lesson
A full overview of the entire program and what to expect with this program. This is by far the most important module of this entire system.
- The Purpose of this Program – Financial Leverage
- General Housekeeping
- Important things to remember
- Program overview
- Why we Created this Program
- The Impact we plan to make
Full Video Transcript
Welcome to Credit Funding Mastery. I am really, really excited to be here with you because this program is literally going to change your life. If you’re an entrepreneur, aspiring entrepreneur, business owner, existing business owner, and you just look in to amplify your business, I’m going to break down concepts that are going to transform your mindset, your perspective, and then systematically show you how to go get money from the banks. So you can amplify your business and then start creating wealth for yourself and your family. All right? So here’s what we’re going to cover. So the first thing I’m going to do is break down the main objectives of this program. So you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into and what to expect as you’re going through the system. And you’re thinking about the end right now. I’m also going to break down some general housekeeping, just so you understand, like the program and all that good stuff. I’m going to get into important things to remember.
I’m going to break down the wealth triangle. I’m actually going to break down the wealth triangle before we even get into general housekeeping. Because this in itself is going to be a foundational concept that you need to understand, and I’m going to help you identify where you are in business. So you can figure out the most effective use of the money that you’re going to obtain through this program. I’m going to give you a program overview and everything that we’re going to cover. And the key differences between the 700 Credit Score Academy and Credit Funding Mastery. So if you already purchased the credit a 700 Credit Score Academy, I’m going to break down the difference between this and Credit Funding. And if you, you have not purchased the 700 Credit Score Academy, and you only have Credit Funding Mastery, which is perfectly fine, how the 700 Credit Score Academy could potentially serve you. And then why I created this program.
So a really, really jam packed, agenda on this particular, first module. So the main objective of this program, why did I create it. Well, the first goal of this program is to show you how to create a credit optimized company. Even if you have an existing business that’s already doing, were making money, does not mean you have a credit optimized company and it’s positioned correctly to get money from the banks. Take my advice on this. I was already making seven figures and I winded out start trying to get money from the banks and realize I didn’t have the proper foundation in place and I was getting low limits. So the first part of this program is to position you for a credit optimized company. The second thing is a structure, your corporation, how to show, I’m going to show you how to structure your company as a large corporation, because this is a key thing.
Revenue. When you start getting into this to this game is important, but what’s more important is structure. So we want to make sure we structure our companies correctly, to go out and get the money from the banks. Also, I’m going to show you to create and implement business credit profiles. So there’s several different business credit profiles that I’m going to educate you on throughout this process. I’m going to get into the nitty and gritty nitty-gritty of credit of the business side, and then show you how to get those credit profiles. I’m going to show you how to establish corporate credit. And then also I’m going to show you how to establish business credit. These are two different things, and I’ll get into the key differences between corporate credit and business credit, and then also how to position your corporation to receive business funding. So you’ll, you’ll hear me say these three things.
Many people think they’re the same and essentially they are. It’s just the type of money that your business is going to be able to receive from the banks. And it’s different types of there’s different ways that you can go about using this money. I’m going to show you how to obtain anywhere between $50 to $250,000 in actual funding in the next 12 months or less. And it’s really, really pivotal that you follow these principles because that much money is going to really change a lot of you guys in situations, especially if you’re starting out. And even if you already are making money, why wouldn’t you want to use additional funds to get money now. In some scenarios, you can probably get more than this. I’m just trying to be conservative just to show you what is possible. When you follow the system correctly, I’m going to show you to obtain a vehicle in your company’s name as well, if that’s your desire.
So I’ll get into more detail about why this is so important and why it’s big for you to come, you know, get a company car. And then lastly, how to create a personal funding roadmap. So it’s really, really good to be able to get money for business funding, but you may have some personal projects that you want to do as well. And you want to maximize it. Then last, but certainly not the least, the last one was last credit card mastery with your personal credit. So, I’ll show you guys a few screenshots of how I use credit cards and really this credit card mastery is for personal credit. But once you start getting the business credit, you can, you can apply these same principles on the business side as well. But the main key intention of this program is getting business credit as an entrepreneur or a business owner.
And even if you are a full-time business owner, you need to go through this program because I’m going to break down stuff that you need to know. So that way you can grow your business. Now, Credit Funding Mastery transformation. So what’s going to happen is you may or may not know this, but your business already has a credit report or is going to establish a credit report. And one of the credit reports, the main credit report is Dun & Bradstreet. So I’m going to help. I’m going to show you how to go from this screenshot, which meaning you probably don’t even have a Dun & Bradstreet credit profile set up. And if you do have one is nothing on it. So how they go from, Hey! Look, your credit, your business credit has no data to going to what I what we would call it
80 Paydex score, which I’ll go into more detail about the scoring algorithm, but really quickly your business credit score can range between 0 to 100. So having an 80 Paydex score is just is equivalent to having like a 760 FICO score on a personal side. So having a 80 Paydex score puts your business in a really, in a separate category, because now you look like you’re trustworthy. So this is what we’re going to do. We’re going to go from no credit whatsoever to having a stellar business credit profile, following a step by step proven system that has already been demonstrated to work because that’s a screenshot of my actual Paydex score. I have an 80 Paydex score, right? So, and I’m going to get into the weeds of not just Dun & Bradstreet, but Dun & Bradstreet experience, which is one of the other ones, then Equifax, but Dun & Bradstreet, hands down is the biggest one that you want to be focused on and what we’re going to be focused on during this program.
Now, before I get into showing you guys how to get money from the banks, I really want to break down this concept called the wealth triangle, because this is going to show you how to maximize the cash that you get, because there’s no doubt in my mind that I’m going to show you to get the money, but I want you to understand how wealth is created and what you want to be thinking about going into this, going into Credit Funding Mastery. So wealth, the wealth triangle is broken down like this. So you’ve got one side, which is a high income skillset. And the second side is a scalable business. And then the third side is high return assets. Now, depending upon where you are in your journey, this is going to be appropriate to how you take the money that you receive and deploy that money inside of your actual business.
Now, the break this down a little bit further when we look at the wealth triangle. So when we say high-income skillset, really what this means is you make you the money. So when you’re in the high-income skillset phase, that means your focus needs to be, how can I make money based off my skillset? And if I’m not making a certain amount of money, then that means by definition, I’ve got to focus in investing on my, in my, in myself, which I’ll get to more, more detailed on and I’ll cover where you need to be in order. If you’re in the, you make you money phase, which there’s nothing wrong with that, how you want to be thinking about this funding, you’re going to get from the banks. Then we have the people and systems make you money. So when you’re in a scalable business phase, this means that your business is able to amplify itself by using the bank’s money through people in system.
And then people in systems makes you money. Then the bottom side of the triangle, which is just as important as well is money and assets make you money. So depending upon where you’re coming into this program is going to be, is going to be really, really indicative of how you deploy the money. Because money, credit is not free money. I’m not showing you guys how to get a quick hack, get some money, then bankrupt your company. What I’m showing you is how to get money from the bank as leverage, financial leverage specifically, and then leverage that money to make money depending upon where you are on the triangle. Because you’re going to be in one of these three phases, either you making use of money, people in assistance or making you money or money and assets are making you money. Ideally, you’ll be doing all three, but many of us, if we’re not, if we’re starting from scratch, we’ve got to get a handle on making us money.
So when we break this down and I get into the weeds of this, business credit plus O.P.M. In a first play, so business credit, plus O.P.M., Basically getting money from the bank, plus money-making skillset equals a high income. So if you’re not at least making 10 grand per month right now in your business, then what you want to be thinking about is where can I take the money that I’m going to learn that Kenney is going to show me how to get and re-invest in a money-making skillset. Now, to be clear, when I say 10 grand a month, what I really mean is your business or your skillset not somebody’s paying you a salary, right? You’re not getting a salary from a nine-to-five. You either establish some type of relationship or you’re, you’re doing some type of skillset that generates minimum 10K per month, because that’s where you want to be in that side of the wealth triangle.
You make your money. So I’m saying that to say, you want to be really considering how can I get to 0 to 10K per month? And if you’re already at 10K per month, I’m going to break down some more stuff. But this is, this is really what you want to be thinking about. Then we have Business Credit plus O.P.M. plus Scalable Business. So this means you already have a business that’s scaling. Now, how can I take the money from the bank, plus my scalable business and create more cashflow. Because again, when you’re in scalable business phase, you’re all full. Your focus is cash flow, right? Because you’re already good at making yourself money, your businesses to be trading cashflow. So how can I take this money in and increase my cashflow? How can I, how can I get people in systems to help me make more money then, you’ve got the last phase, which is Business Credit plus O.P.M. plus High Return Assets equals wealth creation.
So if you’re at that phase in business, or if you’re at that phase and you’re coming to this program, you’re already making seven figures and you want to start leveraging somebody else’s money to go out and purchase assets, or even purchase assets in your business and start really building equity. Then that’s another part of the triangle. So when we look at the wealth triangle phases, so phase one is high-income skillset phase. And this means if you’re a brand new entrepreneur, new business part-time business owner, side hustle and your business is making $0. if your business isn’t at minimum, making $120,000 per year, you have no business doing anything else, but investing in your skillset to learn how to make money, because I’m going to show you how to position your company in this program, how to be a large corporation. But just because you look like you’re a large corporation on the outside does not mean, you know, and have this skillsets to make money.
So I’m saying that to say you don’t, if you’re not making at least 10 grand per month, your focus for the money, I’m going to show you how to make, how to get from the banks needs to be investing in some type of program. That’s going to show you how to make money. So if your goal this year is to leave your nine-to-five, then that focus needs to be developing a skillset to show you how to be a full-time person. So you make your money because again, remember credit is not free money, and we want to be able to get this money and then pay it back with interest. I mean, pay it back. Ideally, not with interest because in some scenarios you can get money at 0%. So basically leverage. Now that’s the first phase. Second phase is if you already have a scalable business.
And typically when you, when you start getting a scalable business phase, you’re going to be making about $500,000 per year. Okay? So even, even though I say, so really when you’re in a high-income skillset phase, minimum goal needs to be $120,000, but you can really get about to about a quarter million for three, $400,000 close to close to that $500,000 range before you can start really saying, Hey, look, I got a scalable business on my hands. Now, once you start getting into that scalable business phase at this point at that 500K revenue mark, and you may already be there, your focus needs to be thinking about people and systems. So you want to be taking the money for that. You’re going to get from the bank and saying, how look, how can I put the right people in place or the right systems in place.
So that way I can start allowing people in systems that produce cashflow for me, I can still make my money myself, but I’m going to start leveraging my skillset to a scalable business. So if you’re in this phase, your focus needs to be thinking about bringing on Staff, bringing on an Operations Manager, bringing on SOPs, Admin people, Sales people, Marketing, Accounting systems, Bookkeeping systems, CRM systems, Funnels and more. All of these different systems you want to be thinking about. Okay, what type of system can I do to put myself in business position to go from $500,000 to seven figures, seven figures to 3 million, 4 million, 5 million. Because again, when you start getting into that phase and I’m speaking from experience, you got to have people and systems. So you may be there, or you may be in a high return asset phase, which means you’re making 500K plus, you’re making a million dollars plus, or you’ve just have a lot of money saved in what you want to do is use a portion of your income.
Okay? You want to use a portion of your high income and cashflow, and you want to say, Hey, look, I’m going to take that to purchase hard assets. So I want to take this money that I retained, that I received from the banks. Cause I’ve created a credit optimized company and I want to go take this money and start buying real estate. I want to take this money and go buy a another business. I want to take this money and invest in a business already producing income. So essentially the point of this particular process is you already have the ability to, because you’re already creating cashflow either from your income or your high income skillset. Your income or your scalable business, you already have cashflow coming in. So now I’m going to take the money from that. Go invest in some type of asset, that’s going to ultimately build my net worth because when you’re in high return assets phase, your goal is to go out and acquire assets.
And really, if we’re keeping this simple, if you take a $100,000 and really free cashflow and you invest that a $100,000, you want to get at least a minimum 12 to 15% rate of return on that money. So that means if you have a 100K, you want to make your 100K back plus $12,000 to $15,000 passively. So typically when you’re in that phase, you’re just looking for ways to acquire assets. That’s going to continue to build up your network and create passive income because of the tax benefits. Many people coming into this program is more than likely going to be in either high-income skillset, phase or scalable business phase and not necessarily in the high return asset phase. But if you are in that high return asset phase, it’s more so taken a portion of your income and your cashflow strategically deferring that money and figuring out how you can make that money, make you more money and increase your net worth.
Right? So I’m trying to set the stage before you even get into the program so you can know where am I. Because many of you are going to go and think that I’m in scalable business phase, but you ain’t making no money. No, no, no, Ma’am! No, no, no, Sir! You’re in high-income skillset phase, which means by definition, you need to invest in learning how to make some money, not being paid money. You know how to go out with your bow and arrow and kill. And I don’t mean kill from a standpoint of something negative. You gotta figure out how to, you gotta figure out how to hunt. You got to figure how to drum up business. You got to figure out how to make money, right? Typically the easiest way is identifying a skillset and then learning how to collect the check collected decision.
Right? But if you’re already past that, you already know how to make money. You’re already saying Kenney, I’m already making some bread where I know, I know how to close. I know, I know how to get it. I’m just, I just, I’m hitting a ceiling there. Okay. Now we need to start putting people in systems in place. So you really get what I’m saying in this particular part of it. And I really want to. I want to make this clear because I don’t want you to get this money. Because I’m going to show you to get the money. And then you misappropriate the money because you’re in delusion about what phase you are in, right? Is this having that clearly. Now, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way. So the next thing I’m going to go ahead and get into is a few general housekeeping things, because all cashflow in credit does is amplify.
So if you’re not making any money right now, when you, and you don’t even have cashflow coming in and you take the bank’s money and you put it into something that has not proven to work, then you’re just going to lose the money, right? But if you take your credit in your cashflow on and you’re already making money at a low phase and you amplify that, it’s going to make more money, right? So that’s why I say investing in your education and your skillset like you have in this program is a smart decision because it’s giving you the information. So that way you can start amplifying something, that’s either working or that’s going to work even more. So a couple of housekeeping things. So this program has 20 lessons. So it’s extremely detailed and you’ll also have access to this content portal that you’re in the support group.
And then it Help Center FAQ. So we’re always going to be updating the FAQ’s on a weekly basis because there’s going to be additional questions that you guys have and things we just probably didn’t think of. So, we encourage questions, but also take a look at the Help Center because you’ll be able to get support there. Another thing that I want to make really, really clear is the first 10 sections of this program will be your foundation of success. So there’s no need to skip ahead. Each section has been put in place to build upon itself. Don’t be that entrepreneur or that business owner that’s trying to hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and skip the first 10 sections. Because if you do, you won’t be able to get any type of money from the banks. So this is the long game. So you’ve got to ask yourself the question.
Do I plan on being in business five years from now? Yes. Okay, perfect! If that’s the case, we want to think about five years from now in the decisions we’re making now is going to affect us five years from now. So we can’t speed through this. So I’m going to show you guys how to achieve more through my program in the next five years in less than a year by structuring everything correctly. But you really are. So what I’m saying is the first 10 sections, you cannot skip. You need to do each section step-by-step because it’s going to be pivotal to your success. Also, this program is designed to be consumed over a 16 week period. Meaning I’m going to show you that you can,achieve more in 4 months than most business owners achieve in the entire career of business. I’m getting money. But during that 4 month period, or that 16 week period, I should say is going to be really, really essential that you follow each step, you do in complete.
You, you, you follow each process. Each step, you do the content. You go through the content, you do the checklist, you do everything in detail because that’s going to literally help you make hundreds of thousands, millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars, depending upon how deep you want to go. One thing, random tangent that I want to say, and I should have said it when we were talking about the wealth triangle was that wealth is created through concentration and focus and its preserved through diversification. So why am I bringing that up here? So as you’re going through, I want you to focus on one thing. I want you to focus on your one business. A lot of people think, oh, I want to have multiple streams of income and your multiple streams will come from one stream. So MyMoneyEDU has, is the main company, but this company generates about 13 or 14 different streams.
So why am I saying that here? I’m saying that here, because you want to focus. You want to focus on completing the content. You want to focus, building your business. You want to focus on that one thing and get extremely good at it. Because through that focus will create multiple. And then like all transformations, 50% is going to come from consuming the content and the other 50% is going to be coming from you just taking immediate action and everything is, has been set in place for you to just take action. Now, how do you get help and support? So the first thing is, you know, watch all the training videos in full and do the work. So most of the questions are going to be answered throughout the training. So generally, you know, there’s going to be questions that I can tell that if you did not go through the content, then I’m like, why are you asking this question?
Because we covered this. Now, this isn’t going to be touchy, feely, like our other programs, because I’m speaking to another business owner. So as a business owner to a business owner, one of the things you’ve got to understand is accepting 100% responsibility and through that accept the responsibility means you’ve got to be proactive. Now, if for whatever reason, the questions that you have are not answered in the videos. I want you to email support at MyMoneyEDU, and we will get that question answered and more than likely add that question to our Help Center. And inside the Help Center, you can get additional support. Now, what we’ll be doing is twice monthly is having a tent. We’re going to have two, twice monthly, or we have twice monthly Q&A’s every second, Tuesday at 6:00 PM. And then every fourth, Thursday at 2:00 PM.
So as you’re going through the process and going through the steps, everything is really detailed. But if you have a specific question that’s not answered in the Help Center or Support has not answered for you. You continue. You can attend one of these Q&A sessions, and then we’ll chat through your specific question. Either myself, or one of the business coaches will walk you through what you need to do there. Okay? Now, a few things to remember. So I’ve already kind of alluded to this, but this isn’t a magic formula. There’s no flavors of the week that I’m going to cover here. The course lessons here are here. They’re basically their financial and credit foundations and fundamentals that’s going to stick with you for a lifetime and it’s going to help you really start creating wealth in your business. Okay?
That’s the first thing. There’s no excuses. So you’re exactly where you deserve to be right now in your life. And I want to just congratulate you on taking action, investing in yourself in this program, because that just shows that. Hey, look, I’m being proactive about my success, right? So you’re totally responsible for all the results that you receive in your life. And I think you understand that that’s why you invest in this program because you want to take things to the next level. But I just want to reiterate that. So no excuses. Embrace resistance. So as a business owner, talking to another business owner, I used to get frustrated and upset when I saw resistance and problems. And now I just look at them as opportunities to grow because that’s all it is. If I’m coming in across the, the same exact problem over and over again, I clearly have not developed enough skillset, knowledge, or systems processes in place to address that.
So that’s an opportunity for me to grow. So if you’ve noticed planes take off against the wind in coal, starts off as cobol, when enough pressure is applied to that coal, it turns into a diamond. So we want to understand that it’s those resistance is the resistance and the pain that makes us great. And also, just if it’s not already obvious, do the work, follow the processes, do the systems, don’t make any excuses, take notes, go through all the trainings and do everything that I’ve really because I’m literally giving you guys the blueprint. So I want you guys to avoid the broke entrepreneur outfit. If you’re watching, this is a strong chance that you’re not a broke entrepreneur, but in case you start doing these things, I’m going to say, Hey, look, man, take off. That broke off it. So feeling like, you know, everything, this, I can not tell you enough.
There’s so many business owners and entrepreneurs who make way less than me. Who say they know way more than me. And I’m like, whoa, that’s the reason why you’re broke. Right? So don’t be that person, right? If you know everything, why are you in the program? Right? So you’ve got to position yourself and open yourself up to more information, right? At this point, I realized there’s so many things I don’t know. People know stuff way better than I do. And, you know, although I’m a pretty sharp person, I’m like, man, there’s still a lot of information and things that I don’t know, right? 2 plus 2 is 4, but so is 96 minus 100. It doesn’t mean that if I do 96 -minus 100, that my way of arriving at the, at 4 is wrong. So I’m only saying that to say that don’t, you know, come into this particular system situation with an open mind, a different perspective, right?
Even that’s why I broke down the whole wealth triangle thing, because I want you to understand where you are in business and how to really truly be successful. Using interaction as a replacement for getting results and building your business credit. So don’t do that. Don’t be that person that gets in the program and tries to interact and try to network with people. No, that’s not why this program was created. This program was not created for you just to do a whole bunch of interaction. Okay? I will kick you out and give you your money back. All right? This program is designed for you to go out and make some freaking money, okay? To go out and make an impact. And it’s selfish of you. If you don’t make an impact, because that’s why you’re on this earth is to make an impact. So don’t do that.
The other thing is, when you get on the Q&A, don’t tell your life story, you know, don’t do that. And I’m not saying your story is not relevant, but if you’re trying to tell your story versus clearly stating your issues, then that’s going to cloud yourself from receiving a solution. So when you have a question, clearly identify the problem that you’re facing, and then we’ll address the problem that you have. But don’t do that. I’m not asking for help during the Q&A’s in demanding one-on-one attention. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. And then playing the victim role and that accept their responsibility. I already spoke about this before, but it’s so important as a business owner that you accept 100% responsibility for everything random tangent. If there are employees that are working for you right now, do not blame your employees.
It’s your fault, not your employee’s fault. If there are systems and processes, websites, whatever your social media, whatever it is that you don’t like in your business, guess what? It’s your fault. It’s your fault. It’s not their fault. It’s your fault. It’s your business. So we bought a shift from victim to a responsible party. Now, it’s a strong chance this isn’t you, but I just kind of wanted to give you this pep talk. So you understand this. Like I had to, I used to get so mad at the people that worked for me and realize that they are a reflection of me. If my team isn’t doing a good job, that means I did a bad job hiring them, or I did a bad job training them or got a bad system in place. It’s my fault. So I want you to take that mentality, that everything is, is a reflection of you.
Everything, right? Even down to, if your bed is made up as a reflection of you, if your clothes are ironed as a reflection of you, if you brushed your teeth this morning, it’s a reflection of you. Everything in life is a reflection of you. Saying I can’t versus, you know, the, the act I can’t versus the, how can I thinking many business owners are they embrace the, how can, how can I thinking? So if you just, you’ve got that mindset of, I can’t, you know, you you’re setting yourself up for, for failure, right? And then making excuses and not executing on the action steps, don’t be that person execute, right? The reason why entrepreneurs are successful or people that are successful is that successful people are too busy doing what unsuccessful people don’t want to do or are not doing it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to do it.
They just execute, right? So I want you to be an executer. If you’re in this program, you’re an executer, but I just want to reiterate the importance of execution done is better than perfect. Perfection is what we’re going for, but done is better than the perfect. Now, a few things to remember. So your mindset is everything. Like I was just alluding to what you think about yourself is so important. What you say to yourself is so important. It’s literally your gospel. So what you speak on your life really becomes your reality. So it’s so important to have a positive mindset and do personal development. I am, or two of the most powerful words that you say in what follows. That is your reality. It’s the reality that you’re creating. So if I say I am successful, you’re going to start to create successful a successful reality.
I am money. I am peace. I am success. I am integrity. I am abundance, right? I am gratefulness. You want to, you want to really be powerful. You want to be really focused on that mindset. And there’s no such thing as failure until you quit. So, you know, the only time you fell is when you quit. Every failure that you may encounter is just an opportunity to learn. That’s all it is. And goals do matter. You gotta be really, really clear about where you’re going. So that’s why I said, if you plan on being in business 5 years from now, we’re going to be thinking about the longterm, right? I want you guys to be thinking like business owners, not hustlers, right? There’s a distinct difference, right? There’s a distinct difference. We want to be thinking about how can I create impact in wealth, right.
For my community, my students, my team members. That’s what we really want to be focused on. Then, I want to reiterate that you already have the blueprint. I’m giving you the blueprint and you want to follow the system step by step, and don’t skip ahead on anything. Right? And then realize all money and credit does, like I’ve already said is amplified. So if you’re already not making money, then you’ve got to identify where you are in the wealth triangle, and then apply the money that I’m going to show you to get in that in that appropriate way. So you can amplify and make more money. Okay. So if you pitfalls, so analysis paralysis, so looking at the information with no action. So don’t do that. Spending money on credit with no plans of paying it back. Like I’ve already said that that’s why I started with the wealth triangle.
So I’m going to show you to get the money and you want to pay that money back and then skipping steps, because you believe this will speed up your process. If you do that, which the system is not going to allow you to do that. But if you attempt to do it, you’re not going to get results and you’re gonna be frustrated. And you’re gonna be wondering, oh, what, who was me? You going to put on your broke entrepreneur outfit and be like, Hey, look, I got the broke out for them. Like, Hey, bro, stay away from me. I don’t speak broke. Okay? Get outta here. Right? We don’t like broke people and broke people is a state of mind. Right? That’s a state of mind. So don’t do that. Right? Don’t be that person. And then applying for credit accounts prematurely, don’t do that.
Right? Don’t do that. Everything that we have outlined is step by step. If you go and you apply for accounts, that’s not outlined in the program. That’s your issue, because you did that. And we did not recommend you did that because you got into some type of situation and you thought that you should do it case in point. I was speaking with an entrepreneur and I was gonna show them how to do it. And they went out and they applied for our account. Then it got declined. I’m like, bro, why did you do that? Nobody told you to do that. And they’re trying to get mad at me and be like, nah, bro, you gotta accept that. So don’t be that person, right? Missing payments. Don’t miss any payments. When on business. Business credit is totally different than personal credit. They’re assuming that you’re a large corporation and I’m going to show you how to look like a large corporation.
So if you miss payments as a large corporation, that’s going to ding it. And you’re not going to be able to get that payment history back. Because you can’t really dispute like you can with personal credit. This is a totally different game. Right? And then treating this as a hobby. You don’t want to treat this as a hobby because you know, it’s just not going to, it’s not going to turn it on in your favor. So my why is to eliminate the wealth gap in the minority community by 10% before I die and being able to put out programs and systems like this is how I’m going to do that. And then specifically, many of you guys may already know me, but if you don’t, I’m a financial consultant credit expert, an investment advisor. So I I’ve been in the financial services industry about 14 years now, since 2007, but a full-time entrepreneur over 8 years. I’m going on 9 years at this point. improved my credit personal credit.
Well over 300 points and have attained well over 800K and credit knocking on a million dollars and just different lines of credit. And I’ve scaled my business from six to seven figures. And now I’m knocking on the door of eight figures and helped over 32,000 people actually probably more than this at this point. But, as of this slide that I had my, I did this, it was 30, it’s like 34,000 at this point. Any in their credit cashflow investments, you name it I’ve been able to do. And that’s the reason why I created MyMoneyEDU, right? Is to educate people on their money. So that way you can have the correct thinking. So when I first started, man, you know, this is a screenshot after I hit rock bottom as an entrepreneur, like I had this business deal, I was in high-income skillset phase thinking I can create a scalable business, trashed my credit.
Right? I completely trashed my credit because I didn’t have the principles or the skillset to do what I thought I needed to do because I wasn’t yet making 6 figures, right? I can show you my story here. Right? And was able to start, you know, move to Atlanta back in 2013. Got a sales job, started making 6 figures walked away from that job. And as of when I show you these screenshots, you know, my credit was terrible. When I went into January 16, 2015, I was making 6 figures with terrible credit. And I’m like, man, what the crap man, I’m trying to scale my business, but I can’t and started figuring out how to improve our personal credit. And then over a 13 month timeframe, I was able to improve my credit to a 747 credit score. And then I just started documenting the whole credit process and figuring out how I can really scale my business.
And it wasn’t just getting the negative removed from our credit. So this is a screenshot of 25 of the 33 credit cards and lines of credit I have on a personal and business side. And then I was able to purchase this particular Treal estate property because of the power of business and personal credit. This right here is a screenshot of a 2021 Chevy Tahoe that I purchased in 2020. And the reason why I purchased this Chevy Tahoe was to do three things. Number 1, lower my taxable income as a business owner. Number 2, to build my business credit. And then number 3, as a business owner to not have this show up on my personal credit, because I had intentions of purchasing real estate. And one of the things that they’re going to look for, look at, especially as a business owner, is your debt to income ratio.
Now I know many of you business owners, I started making 500K and a million dollars. You try to ex you try to write off everything and then not show a profit. And then when you show a profit, you’re showing a profit with this big car payment and your DTI is through the roof. So that was another reason why I did this so I can keep my DTI low. This doesn’t even affect my personal credit. It doesn’t affect my ability to go out and obtain mortgages. Which I was able to do by the way in this did not affect it. So I’m going to show you how to do this, but this is just a screenshot of that Chevy Tahoe that I purchased in my company’s name. Now, this is just another screenshot of this several of the cards that are being able to get following their systems that I’m going to show you how to do.
So these are business credit cards, one for $10,000, one for $23,000 American Express platinum card, that doesn’t have a limit. Another Chase card for $51,000, another American Express gold card with no limit. Another American Express card for $4,000. And then I didn’t really document all that. I started to document this process, You know? Here’s a Bank of America card that I was able to receive for about $3,500. And the reason why I only got $3,500 is because I was approved back in 2019 for $51,000 and did not yet understand the importance of having a proper credit optimized company assumed that Bank of America would do the same exact thing. And they didn’t because Bank of America didn’t know me. The thing you guys need to understand is that Chase. I bank with Chase, Chase all was getting money. So it was like, okay, we’ll improve it for $50,000.
You already got good personal credit. So, cool! So I tried to apply that same principle and I stumped myself in the foot. So I’m going to show you how to avoid this. That’s the moral of the story, but this is a business credit card that I got approved for with Bank of America. but the limit was lower because of that process. It just broke down Navy Federal card. Then here’s another card I was able to get approved for with a Navy Federal for an $11,500. Here’s another Business Corporate line of credit that I have for $250,000. I use this all the time to this day. I’m always using this line of credit. And then here’s another card. When I really, really started getting the hang of this, this whole process that I was able to get approved for $50,000 on the business credit side. And I have a few more, but I’m just showing you these screenshots because once you start to get the process, you can do the same exact thing.
You just have to have the blueprint and I’m going to show you how to do the same exact thing in a specific order. So that way you can get results. Now, the other thing I’m gonna show you to do is always use these cards and never use a debit card because this card is all going to give you points. So here’s one of my cards that I have a actually I have more rewards points in this. This is about $500,000, but you’re going to always get points, right? You’re going to get these points on all these different cards that you can use and you can leverage these points all the time. And what I do personally is these are just different trips that I take. And I rarely, rarely, rarely really number 1, use a debit card anymore. I use credit cards all the time.
Okay. Because they’re going to give me points. But the number two, one of the things it’s important that I explain this to you as an entrepreneur. And I didn’t get this when I was only making six figures, it wasn’t until I started making over a million dollars that I had to realize that, Hey, look, Kenney, you got to take a break. You have got to take a break because I was showing up angry. I was pissed off at people and really I was just working myself to the bone. So now what I’ve been able to do was figure out, okay, I’m already going to spend this money on cash in a way, let me put it on my credit card, get points. And let me just take a trip. Right? So even my staff, as I started to realize the importance of of working with the exception of the sales team,, because sales team really assessed their own hours anyways.
And you, you get in what you put in, you get out what you put in. But my, my, my, my full-time staff? They have, they work 4 days on 40. And then they have 3-day weekends every twice a week. They have twice a month. They have a 3-day weekend, twice a month. They have a 3-day weekend because I understand the power of relaxation. So I’m telling you as an entrepreneur, I’m typically always working. I typically work 6 days a week, but I may not be working physically. I may be, I may be working mentally, but now what I do is I use those rewards points. I travel. I take so many 3-day weekend trips. So many 3-day weekends. If you notice November 13th to 16th, October 17th, to the 21st, October 16th to the 19th. I’m always taking 3 or 4 day trips because I get up, I get myself out of the, out of the, out of the city and I just relax.
And that’s when I get my best creative ideas.So a little hack. I’m gonna show you to do, and I’m going to encourage you. You want to travel, right? So you’re going to be getting this money. These are more trips that I’ve taken to Dubai, Toronto, all of these different places. And I didn’t pay for it. The credit card companies did. So here’s a screenshot of, of some of these trips that I took. And generally speaking, I’m getting upgraded to first class, I’m going to show you to do this. I’m getting five star hotels. This is a picture of me in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Egypt, you know, in a desert, I mean, living my life. And I’m going to show you how to do this because when you take these trips and you do these things, when you unwind it’s at that point, your creative space allows you to think, and your best ability as an entrepreneur is your mindset.
Your thinking if in time. So when you take these trips, it’s really going to help you out. And again, like I’m showing you guys, I went from that 523 to a 771, 753 and an 815 personal credit. Have an 80 Paydex score on the business side in a lot of credit that I deploy on a daily basis and have grown this company at eight figures at this point. And then we’re going to position it to be worth a hundred million dollars, in value because of the power of credit and managing cashflow. Right? So when we look at the sections of this program, you know, the way the first one is creating credit, creating corporate credit profile. So the first thing I’m going to cover in creating a corporate credit full profile is number one, just an introduction to corporate credit. And you’re in that section now, then how to have a corporate credit optimum, how to do corporate credit optimization.
So what do we need to start doing in this step to make sure that we look like a large corporation, if you don’t already have a business entity. I’m going to show any credit business entity. And if you have a certain type of business entity, I’m going to really encourage one over the other, and then explain why I’m encouraging that business entity and then show you step by step how to set up that business entity, even if you’re not an attorney or without having to have a long having a law firm, because it’s really, really important that you understand structure. I’m going to get into business credit reports, then business banking, another big thing when it comes to getting money from the banks, you have to have a really good banking relationship. I’m gonna break down what banks would go to all that good stuff.
Then we’re going to start getting into building business credit. So I’m going to show you how to get those business accounts. I’m going to show you how to get and obtained Tier 1 to Tier 4 credit accounts, because this is going to be the foundational pillar to building up that Paydex score. And then IntelliScore. Then we’re going to start getting into business funding because you can’t get to, from my experience. Generally, you can’t do business funding unless you do the business credit. And then you got to do the corporate credit into business credit. So that’s why business funding comes next. Then in business funding, I’m going to break down the government funding options, asset based lending. And then we’re gonna get into business lines of credit. And then lastly, at this point purchasing a vehicle. So this is going to be the first 10 sections of this program that are going to be pivotal for you to really, really gather and really position yourself to start getting money for the banks.
Then on the personal credit side, what I’m going to cover is how to do the credit funding roadmap. Then I’m gonna get into building your credit file on a personal side. And this is going to assume that you have good personal credit. I’m going to break down the credit approval machine. Then I’m going to get into Credit Card Mastery, and then really how to start doing those things. I was telling you about maximizing your lines of credit,. How to start doing manufacturer spinning or getting specific hacks that you can do to get rewards points, right? So I get a lot of rewards points and I use those rewards points all the time, and I use them to travel. I’m going to show you how to do that in the Credit Card Mastery. Now Credit Card Mastery, even though it’s personal, it is going to, when you get those business credit cards, you can use as cash, you can use credit card mastery hacks to increase your points to travel.
Now, one of the key differences between the 700 Credit Score Academy versus the Credit Funding Mastery is the 700 Credit Score Academy. As you may have already gone through that, but the 700 Credit Score Academy is on how to fix, build and maintain personal credit. So when you think of 700 Credit Score Academy, this is all about personal credit. So it was showing you how to remove a negative plus build credit. So many people don’t understand that it makes no sense to drink clean water from a dirty glass. So if you’ve got a dirt, if your credit file is messed up, then that means you’ve got a dirty glass and the water is the money at the banks. And the way you get the money to the banks is by removing the negatives, cleaning the glass, putting ice in a glass, which means establishing new accounts.
And then we’re going out and we’re having a strong, personal cashflow that we understand so we can pay our bills on time. And then I’m showing you how to purchase a car and a home. So really the 700 Credit Score Academy is all about personal credit, right? And building up yourself on a personal side to really, really maximize and just get, get some foundational things. There’s a few, I don’t really get into the manufacturer spending on rewards points in this, but I do show how to have personal credit versus Credit Funding Mastery. The program you’re in is all about business credit. It’s all about business credit, all about business structure. It’s all about business cashflow. I don’t go into much detail about business cashflow, but I am going to get into how to manage your cashflow as an entrepreneur. So you can be successful.
I wish somebody would’ve told me this. When I first started, I’m going to get into this. And then I’m going to break down business and personal funding, literally how we go out and get money from the bank. So really the key difference is, is credit funding is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to grow their wealth through entrepreneurship and leveraging the bank’s money to do that in the 700 Credit Score Academy. It’s about personal credit and for consumers. Now, we all as business owners are consumers, too. So if your personal credit is not where it needs to be a highly recommended, encourage you to take a look at the 700 Credit Score Academy, because it’s going to help you get your personal credit intact. Now, why I created this program, as we wrap up is to show entrepreneurs how to position themselves, to receive O.P.M. to explode their companies straight up.
That’s my whole goal. And the only way I’m going to be able to really tap into and eliminate their wealth gap is through, is through entrepreneurship. That’s one of the ways, okay? And my 2026 target? Is to help 20,000 entrepreneurs obtain $100,000 in funding. So that way they can take that funding and scale their business. How many of you guys are going to get more funding than this? But this is my 2026 target because, you know, I want to be able to really help you, help others make that impact in our communities. So, and then the last thing is financial leverage, right? And when I say financial leverage, building wealth, using O.P.M. That is the American way, right? That is the American way. Get the money from the banks and explode it. And this is what the wealthy have been doing for years. Okay? So to know, and not to do was not to know, let your results prove your knowledge.
So I’m super excited for you to be a part of this program. It is literally going to change your life. I hope this first module has given you some insight in terms of you identifying what phase of business you’re in. And then I’m going to show you aggressively how to go out and get the money. But it’s not just getting the money. It’s about getting that money. So you can create cashflow credit, high income, and then purchase assets. So you can start building wealth for your family. So I will see you in the next module.