Tier 1 Checklist
Tier 1 Checklist
Step 1: Business Credit Application
Apply to the following vendors:

Reports To: Equifax Business, PayNet
Instructions: Click Start Building button. Enter your email address, first name and last name. Fill out the rest of the information needed. Once approved, the loan funds are locked in a business savings account to secure the loan. You can make small monthly loan payments and build up to 120 months of payment history. Credit Strong reports your payments to the business credit bureaus, building your company’s credit profile each month.

NET Term: NET-30
Reports To: D&B, Experian
Instructions: Enter your email in the new customer box and choose a
password. Now place an order and at checkout choose “Bill Me
(Net 30 Account)” as your payment method. Uline reports the
fastest of all companies on the list, and best of all they report to
Experian too.

NET Term: NET-30
Reports To: D&B, Experian
Instructions: Talk to a representative and ask how to apply for a NET-30 account as a new business. Let them know it’s ok if they require a prepay for the first order, but to at least put it on the NET-30 account’s billing.

Net Term: NET-22 & NET-30
Reports To: D&B, Equifax
Instructions: Very friendly to start-up companies by reporting business credit lines to D&B. A $500 deposit (preferred) or personal guarantee may be required but is worth it as they report to all 3 major business credit bureaus.

Net Term: NET-30
Reports To: Experian, Equifax, Credit Safe, SBFE, Ansonia, and NACM
Instructions: Click on “APPLY FOR NET 30”. Fill out the application. Receive an email, call, and text letting you know you’ve been approved. Login to your account and pay for the $99 annual membership. Make a purchase, and be sure to click on “net-30” at checkout.
Note: Your business must operate in the United States, be at least 90 days old, have no derogatory credit or delinquencies, have EIN (Tax ID for business).

Net Term: NET-30
Reports To: D&B, Experian, Equifax, Credit Safe, SBFE and NACM
Instructions: Click on “APPLY FOR BUSINESS NET30”. Fill out the application. Receive an email, call, and text letting you know you’ve been approved. Login to your account and pay for the $99 annual membership. It’s ok because even this annual membership fee will be reported to all the business credit bureaus. It may be waived if you have an excellent business credit score. Make a purchase, and be sure to click on “net-30” at checkout.

Net Term: NET-30
Reports To: D&B, Experian, Equifax
Instructions: If you register your business through Laughlin you can get a trade account right from the start. You’ll need to call them at (800) 648-0966 for further information or to apply for a Net30 account.

Net Term: NET-30
Reports To: D&B, Experian, Equifax
Instructions: Grainger is pleased to offer Open Account billing to qualified customers upon Credit Approval. Please call 800-GRAINGER(472-4643) for further information or to apply for an open line of credit.

Net Term: NET-30
Reports To: D&B (quarterly)
Instructions: Place an order and at checkout choose “Bill Me (Net 30 Account)” as your payment method.

Net Term: NET-30
Instructions: The client must register
Step 2: Update the Business Credit Mastery Tracker
The Tier Tracking sheet must be updated every time you are submitting an application. Indicate the status, and update the login details in the login sheet.
Step 3: Get 3 Trade References
You’ll find that most business credit applications will require 2-3 trade references. So one of the first things you’ll need to do is obtain 3 trade references.
Trade reference: name and contact-particulars of one or more businesses with which a firm does regular business, used as a means of verifying the creditworthiness of the firm. If your company is just starting out, ask some friends if you can cite them and their businesses as trade references on your company’s credit applications. This will get you started. Once you get 5 vendors reporting, you will list them on future credit applications. Vendors that don’t report to the bureaus can still be used as trade references.
Step 4: Create your Trade Reference Sheet
Typically each vendor will have their own Trade Reference Sheet for you to fill out; however, if they are missing this document but are requesting it – you may use the Trade Reference Sample for submission to a vendor.
Download the Trade Reference Sample Here
Step 5: Shortcut “Time In Business” & Revolving Credit
If you or a friend has good personal credit or good business credit already, you can add your business as an additional cardholder on an existing personal or business credit card that has good credit history already.
Step 6: Check Your Credit Reports
At the 30, 60 & 90 day marks check your business credit scores through NAV and confirm if any new tradelines are reporting. It may take up to 90 days for a new tradeline to appear. The vendors and bureaus (especially Equifax & Experian) are slow to catch up. If a tradeline doesn’t appear after two credit cycles (60 days from first payment), call the vendor and request that they report to all three bureaus
Step 7: Attend Live Q&A Sessions
You can attend every second Tuesday of the month from 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM and every fourth Thursday from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM EST.
Additional Vendor List
Interstate Batteries | D&B | Click Here to Apply | |
Medex supply | D&B | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply |
People Ready | |||
Seton | NET-10 | Click Here to Apply | |
76 | D&B, Experian | NET-15 | Click Here to Apply |
Murphy USA | D&B, Experian | NET-15 | Click Here to Apply |
Kum&Go | D&B, Experian | NET-15 | Click Here to Apply |
Marathon | D&B, Experian | NET-15 | Click Here to Apply |
Amsterdam Printing | D&B | NET-10 | |
4 Imprint | Click Here to Apply | ||
Nebs | D&B | NET-10 | Click Here to Apply |
BP Gas (Business Solutions Fuel Card) | D&B | NET-14 | Click Here to Apply |
Franklin Covey | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply | |
Sycom | NET-30 | ||
Mouser Electronics | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply | |
Digikey | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply | |
Viking | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply | |
National Pen | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply | |
Bags and Bows | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply | |
Graybar | NET-30 | Click Here to Apply |
Full Video Transcript
What’s going on guys and welcome to this particular module, the Net 30 Account Blueprint. So we are getting ready to take immediate action and start applying for actual accounts. So you know exactly what to look out for what to be doing. And we have a clear picture in terms of how to complete the applications. So here’s what we’re going to cover. Number one, I want to break down the applications start with in this particular presentation. I’m also going to break down what to be looking for in your first 3 to 4 or even 5 lenders, and then your tier 1 vendor list. And I’m also going to include a, a vendor tracking sheet. So you can stay organized with all of the vendors that you’re getting and keeping your payments on time. So, all right. So the biggest thing I want you to understand about these vendors is we’re going to pick three to five applications to start, and we’re going to be using these vendors for the next 30 to 90 days, ideally, at least, at least 60 days.
So we can have that on-time reporting history and I’ve done all the homework for you. So you can just pick from the list and apply from the ones that we recommend here. And just to be, you know, just check it. The other thing too, though, is stuff is always changing. So the companies that we’ve identified generally are, have been in a business credit space, but before you apply, depending upon when you’re applying, just make sure you check with the vendor to make sure that they’re still taking, they’re still reporting. Okay? Because sometimes stuff changes. Now, once you pick the 3 to 5 steps, you’ll be good to go. So here’s what you’re looking for in the first lenders. Number one, we’re looking for those net 30 terms. Number two, they accept small businesses without established Paydex scores. Number three, they’re going to be important to all three bureaus where some will just only report to one or two and then number three, their products and services that you can use, and then because you’d be ordering from them.
And then just when you go into a website, I try to find something on those websites that are going to be relevantto your business. Okay? So number one, that the number one we’re going to recommend you start with is, Uline and they have a net 30 account. You can go to the website, they’re going to report to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. And then you can just enter your information in the mailbox and select the type of account, fill out the billing address information, check out, choose bill me, net 30 account as well as payment method, Uline reports the fastest of all the companies on the list and is best to report in the, and they also report to Experian. Okay? S you just do not use your social security card. You want to enter out the application and follow the stuff there.
Um, so that’s a good one. So we have another one’s gemplers. They also are going to report to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. You can talk to representative ask to apply for the net 30 accounts as a new business. That is okay. Let them know it’s okay if they prepay, if they require you to prepay on your first order, but you want to have it reported as a net 30 account on the billing, right? That’s gemplers, then we have WEX and all you needed to do is click get started, fill out the application form, mark the tick box and agree to the terms and conditions, check submit. And then they’re very friendly startup companies are used here. So sometimes they have a $500 deposit as referred and a personal guarantee may require, but it’s worth it.
As long as you get it to report to all three bureaus with this one specifically. So I would probably not use this one because they have a net 22 and net 30, but it is when you can include in the terms may have changed. Another one is Shirsty. So they have a net 30 account. So you can, you can take a look at this one. And then here’s another one called Crown Office Supplies. So typically they’re going to report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, Equifax, Creditsafe, they’re SBFE certified and ACM certified. So you want to apply for the net 30 account with them specifically. And you’ll receive an email, call and a text, letting you know that you’ve been approved. You can log in to your account, pay the $99 annual membership, and then you will be good to go with them. And then you want to do net 30 at the checkout.
Another one is going to be Laughlin. Okay? They’re going to report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. And if you register your business through them, you’ll get a trade account right from the start and you’ll need to call them for further information about how to apply for the net 30 accounts. And then here is another one, Supplyworks. So, it’s Supplyworks via Home Depot. They’re going to report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. You want to click on, become a customer, click on a button and then create a New Home Depot Pro Account, and then fill out the application, receive an email call, text letting you know that you’ve been approved. And again, guys, I’m giving you, I’m giving you this way because this is how it works. But if the website’s changed and that’s why I’m not showing you all the websites, I’m just saying kind of giving you a high level overview because stuff changes all the time, but you just want to follow the system that I’m outlining or the vendors Grainger is another one.
Okay? So they’re going to report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian and Equifax. And you can call them for more information or you can register on their website. And Grainger is pleased to offer basically an account opening for qualified customers upon credit approval. So you can call them, or you can just go to the website and start with Grainger and you’ll want to do the net 30 accounts with them. And then the last one is in Emedco, same thing, you’ll go to the website. They’re only going to report to Dun & Bradstreet. You’ll click continue, and then fill out the information for your company, hit submit, and then place your order. And then you’ll bill me. And then hit the net 30 accounts. Basically the goal in here is on all of these accounts. You want to do the net 30 terms because they’ll probably give the ability to pay immediately, but you want to do net 30 terms. All right. That’s really what I’m trying to convey here now, right below this video, you’ll notice that we have a tier one account blueprint and essentially this is everything I discovered on the PowerPoint slides. So it’s all right.
Okay? And then, you’ll notice that we have a tier 1 vendor list with more vendors in the ones that we just covered. So if you click on this tier 1 vendor list, you’ll notice that there is a number of tier 1 vendor accounts, a few more that are going to be on here, and you’ll, you’ll want to stay with those net 30 accounts, but you’ll notice that the company name is right here in column A who it reports to right here in column B the terms IE like, is it net 30? What they typically sell their reporting frequency. So that way you’re on the, on the know if they have a membership fee and then if they have a minimum order, right? All of this information is really, really good and then different requirements and notes regarding their specific deal. All right?
So this is really, really important. And then we even, cause my team is awesome. Um, they went out and found the majority of these application links as well. So if you want to click this particular link and apply for financing with this particular company for Grainger is telling you exactly what to do. And then for Grainger, you need to call them to be qualified for financing like we were saying before. But again, if you want to click here to apply with this one is basically taking you directly to the application and it’s pretty, pretty cool there. All right. So take immediate action with this stuff. And then the last thing I want to share with you is the vendor tracking sheet. Now you’ll be using this for your tier 1 vendors, but also all of the vendors that you’re going to be applying with credit for.
So, what you’ll want to do is click on this sheet right here, and then you’ll want to number one, put the name of the vendor that you you got approved for. Okay? So I just put the same things. So for Uline and you’ll put your Uline, uh, are you registered? Yes or no. Have you been approved, yes or no register basically made you apply. What your credit limit was cause they’ll tell you, did you make your first order? What was your first order date? What was the order total? When’s the due date and when are you making your payment again? You want to pay your bills ahead of time. The payment amount that you’re going to, that, that you pay. And then if you have a remaining balance. So, and then when you made your order, you could just put the little X there as well.
So, so, and then you’ll put your date, okay. This is just a template, right? Then you have your net 30 accounts, nice and easy right here, but this will keep it pretty cool. And then what I’ll do, what I recommend you do when you start getting into tier two vendors is you just duplicate this and you do tier 2 and you keep on moving forward from there. Okay. But right now we are doing tier 1. Use this sheet to keep track of everything and stay organized. What you’ll want to do as I wrap this up, come up here, hit file, make a copy, and then you’ll have your own sheet for yourself. Do not request access to a copy because it will not be granted. So you need to make a copy of this particular sheet. All right. So I’ll see you in the next video. Take action..