Next Steps: New Business or Existing Business
About This Lesson
In this module, we’re going to cover the following:
- Next steps if you haven’t formed your legal entity structure
- Next steps as a new business entity
- Next steps to take as an existing entity
Full Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to this module, new or existing business. Now this is going to be pivotal that you pay attention to this because I’m going to give you some instructions in terms of how you move forward, depending upon what type of business structure you have. So here’s what we’re going to cover. So, I’m going to just give you guys like the scenario right from this slide. So either a.) I’m going to break down the next steps. If you haven’t formed your legal entity structure at all, b.) You may have a new business entity structure and then c.) you may already have an existing business entity structure. So if you don’t have a C corporation already established, number one, if you don’t have a business entity structured at all, then I’m going to recommend that you go to the module, creating your business entity before you complete the credit optimized company, because you want to have the business entity structured first. So if you’re watching this and you do not have a business entity at all, then you want to go to creating your business entity.
Now, if you have a new business, entity, age is important, but it’s not as important as structure. So if you have an LLC, a partnership or any other business entity that is not a corporation, I’m still going to recommend that you go to the creating your business entity section, and you review the videos in that section specifically, because I’m going to get into the details of the LLC, the S corporation and the corporation.
So after reviewing that particular video, you’d have a better understanding of how to move forward with your existing entity or if any additional changes need to happen with your current entity assuming it’s not a corporation. Now, if you already have an existing business entity, and let’s just say, it’s a corporation, then you’re free to move forward with the next step of the program, creating credit optimized company and follow the steps there. Now, if you do not have a corporation, I’m going to highly recommend you go to that section as well, creating your business entity, because I’m going to break down again, the differences between LLC, S corporation and C corporation, and then how it comes to a funding perspective.
So, that’s pretty much it. What I’m going to do was really quickly show you how to access that part. So no matter where you are in the program, what you’ll want to do is go over to the actual dashboard, you scroll down, you won’t do creating a credit optimized company, you’ll need to create your business entity first. Then once you’re done, then you’ll be able to move forward. So what I’m going to do to keep this, it’s actually really simple. I’m just going to go ahead and just move this, creating your business entity up, and then once you’re done with creating your business entity, you’ll want to go ahead and go to credit optimized companies so review the steps here first, and then I will see you in the next module.