5. The Secret Behind Excellent Credit
Disclaimer: We apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors in the slides.
About this module
In this module, I cover the biggest kept secret when improving your credit. In the 700 credit score mindset I covered some very important principle when in comes to thinking about perfect credit.
- The first step to perfect credit
- Your brain and excellent credit
- How to transition from lack to abundance
- The 4 basics of success
- Natural laws and your credit
Resource links
Full Video Transcript
What’s going on guys? And if you’re watching this video right now, it’s because you’re ready to start improving your credit and your cashflow. And I think that is phenomenal. Now, one of the things that I realized before I started, well, as I was getting on this journey was my mindset had a lot to do with the results I was getting in my life. Now you see this? This is an iPhone. Obviously, we know it’s an iPhone, but why am I bringing it up right now? Why am I talking about mindset? Because I can literally pick up this phone, call someone and they will hear me on the other side of the world, wherever, in real-time. Your brain works the same exact way. Now you’re probably wondering, Kenney, what is my brain and a cell phone have anything to do with my credit? In my mindset?
It has everything to do with your credit and your mindset because what you’re thinking, you are literally, you’re putting out a frequency and you’re attracting that into your life. So in order for us to really, really have lasting change, right? We don’t want to change from the outside end. We have to change from the inside out. We have to now understand that is who I am being. Then I can do the doing. Then I can get the result. So one of the things I’m going to get into is really helping you understand the thought process behind. All right. Now there’s something called the four basics and I can’t take credit for this. I learned it from one of my mentors. His name is Kevin Trudeau, and I’m going to break down high-level, how this process works. And I’m going to give you some additional resources that you can go expand on this, but you need to understand that you have all the power to achieve everything.
You also need to understand, this is tough pill to swallow that if you’re not where you want to be, you have to accept 100% responsibility for that and then say, hey look, no matter what it takes, I’m going to do what’s required to get myself out of this. And at that point, the universe, because now you’re putting this frequency out, is going to start align itself with everything because you’ve now went from a place of what’s the best word I can use? You went from a place of being a victim to say, I am not going to be a victim anymore. I’m going to be the, I’m going to be the captain so to speak. I’m going to be the one that’s going to be in charge. So think of it this way. Many of us have, well, I showed you this way.
That’s gravity. If I drop something, it’s going to fall. We have something else called the law of cause and effect. Now, why is this important? This is important because many of us are on the effect side. Which means someone else did a cause. We didn’t know that they did a cause and now we’re affected by that and then we’re not accepting responsibility for that. Versus we want to say, Hey, look, I’m not going to be in the effect side anymore. I’m going to be on the cause side and when I’m being on the cause side, I’m going to do the proper information, the proper things to make sure that I get the effects that I want. Right? It’s just like sowing and reaping. So if we go back to something called basics, the very, very first thing that you have to identify, who are you listening to?
And you want to listen to people who have been where you are and at where you would like to be. Now, why is this important? Because if you go and you listen to someone who’s never been in your shoes and there’s somewhere where you would like to be, you’re not going to be able to have good information to apply because they’re not going to be able to listen, you can’t take advice from someone, if you have bad credit, and you’re talking to somebody who has great credit, they’ve never had bad credit, their thing, their advice to tell you to maximize their credit is not going to be relevant to you. You might say, well, I got negatives, I got collections, I’ve got all of this stuff. They can’t give you any advice, but you want to listen to someone who had bad credit like me.
I had bad credit and now I have excellent credit. So the first, first, first basic is who are you listening to? Right? So you want to, and again, when it comes to listening to people, some people can say things, but the biggest thing about who are you listening to, they will already have the results that you’re seeking in their own actual life. Right? So I already have the results. So this is so important. Who are you listening to? The second thing is once you’ve identified that I’m going to listen to someone who has already demonstrated their own actual life, the results that I’m seeking. Now, I have something called the teachability index. Now, this is important because when we look at this, this teachability index, so to speak, you’ve got two sides of this willingness to learn, willingness to accept change. But many of us, when we’re looking at our teachability index or what we would call the training balance scale, which is going to be the second phase, many of us will be at a place where, Hey, look, I have the information, but I’m not willing to change.
Or I have the know-how, but not willing to do so. When you’re looking at the teachability index, you want your teachability index to be at a 10, and you want your willingness to change to be at a 10. If they’re both at 10 plus 10, that means I’m now teachable. I’m now coachable. And I’m willing to do, what’s required to effect change. Many of us get the information, but we’re not willing to change. Or we say, Hey, look, I’m at a five teachability index and I’m at a five willingness to learn. 5×5 is 25. So that’s a failing score. So the goal would be to get to at least a 70. So if you have a seven teachability index, which you will ideally want to be at a 10, but if you have a seven teachability index and a 10 willingness to change, your 70 as a C student, you can get by, but you want to have them both at 10, but that’s our teachability index and why it’s so important.
So you may come into this saying I already know this information. Well, if you say that you already know this information, you’re automatically saying that, you know everything. And if you automatically know everything, why are you in the place that you’re in? Right? This is a tough pill to swallow. I will go in the same situation because I’ve invested so much in myself and say, I already know this. And I already know that. And then I looked at the results I was getting in. This person said, well, if you know it, why are you still in that position? So it’s so important that we understand this. Now, once we get the teachability index, there’s something called the training balance scale. Now this gets into some, some heavy duty stuff, but the training balance scale basically says, it’s a scale, right?
And when I say a scale or one side is the thinking, and on one side is the doing. And if we’re looking at both the scales. They need to be even so, because if a scale is even then we’re on the same page, but this is a myth. It goes back to how I started this video. Your thinking is way more important than the doing. So what the training balance scale says, our thoughts is on one side, our attitude, our mindset, our perspective, how we approach things in our mind is the one side and then the other side is the doing, it’s the actions, it’s the activities. Now what society is going to tell you is it’s more important to focus on the doing, but let me tell you why we don’t want to focus on doing without the right thinking, because if I’m doing activities with the wrong mindset, I’m probably going to be doing activities that are not going to be in alignment with who I really want to be, because I’m just at this place.
So it’s more effective to do the thinking first, get my thinking right. Get my mindset, right. That’s why Napoleon Hill wrote a book called Think and Grow rich, not Do and Grow Rich. It doesn’t mean that all I do was just thinking stuff happens. No, no, no, no. What this means is is once I have correct thinking, the actions that I’m going to do is going to be way more in alignment with the doing. And then I’m going to be doing things that are going to help me get the results, that I’m looking again. So 99% thinking 1% doing. But once you have the doing the doing is easy because you’re doing it with the right thinking. You can get the result, which leads me to the next phase of this process, which is the four ways we process information. Now, the first phase is unconscious incompetence.
You don’t know what you don’t know. Like for instance, when you were a baby, you didn’t know shoes existed. You didn’t know all these things. You were unconscious incompetence, right? So many of us, when we approach life situations, we have to realize that just because you don’t have, it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Absence of evidence is not evidence of his absence, which means just because you ain’t seen it don’t mean it ain’t happening. Having said that, we want to transition out of unconscious incompetence to conscious competence. Case in point, many of us see people that have great credit. Many of us see people who are millionaires, who are getting money, as they would say, but you’re like, well, I see they got good credit. I see them getting money. I’m consciously aware of the fact that they’re doing it, but I’m incompetent as to how to do it for myself.
That’s conscious incompetence. Once we transition or realize that we’re at that stage, we want to go to the third stage of learning, which is conscious competence. Meaning I now know how to consciously do it. Let’s go back to the shoe example. When you first learned about shoes, you didn’t know how to tie a shoe. You didn’t, first of all you didn’t know shoe was existed. Then you saw your mom or your dad or your brother or your sister tie a shoe and you knew that shoes need to be tied. You just didn’t know how to do it for yourself. You were consciously incompetent. Then your mom, your dad, your uncle, your grandma sat you down and said, Hey, look, it’s right over left. You do the loop this way and then at that point, you became consciously competent of how to tie a shoe. However, in your early age of tying a shoe, you still had to think about it.
Is it right over left? You can tie the shoe, but you still have to think about it. That’s a conscious competent stage. That’s a great stage to be in, but the way you transition from that stage to the next stage, I’m going to cover, which is unconscious competence. It means you just do it automatically. Think about it this way. If you tied your shoe today, did you think about tying your shoe or did you just tie your shoe? You probably just tied your shoe because you became unconscious competent and that’s what we want to do in everything of our life. We have to understand that in order for me to do it automatically, I have to go through those phases and realize that if I want to have excellent credit, I have to go from the unconscious incompetence to the conscious competence level and that’s what’s going to help me have the lasting change.
So now that I have that conscious competence level, and I understand that my mind is no more than a radio receiver to have the ability to transmit frequencies literally, that’s why my thoughts are so important and I can get to unconsciously, unconscious competence. I can attract things, but here’s the thing, because it’s never probably been broken down to you at this level. You may have consciously competent, broke mentality habits. Now, I’m not judging because I was there too. So we have to rewire that particular perspective. So that way, we get out of all those bad habits, like case in point, one of the things I used to always do, I used to pride myself on this. When I stop and think about it, I used to be the key of getting through the back door at the club. Like I would never pay for the club.
Like I would just never do it and I would always get drinks for free, but I stopped and I thought about this and that was like Kenney, when I used to do this, I had bad credit and I was bad with my money too. So what am I saying? I used to get it over for free, so you go through a back door of a club, obligate drinks for free. And I would always you know, when you go to the fast food restaurant, you get a cup of water, but you go get the fountain drink, little stuff like that. What am I saying? When I’m doing those behaviors? I just had to check myself. I was saying unconsciously that I believe there’s not enough. So I have to go through the back door of the club and weasel my way into situations.
And that vibrational energy was showing up in my bank account because I was always thinking there wasn’t enough money for me to make. And I was always thinking that, Oh man, I can just run up my credit card and not pay it off. And that perspective was what made me realize that I can just pay. It’s more than enough for me to have this. So I bring that story up to show you that before I started doing this personal development and working on my mindset, I had to really check my own behavior and how it was showing up to myself and my life and realized that a lot of it was because I was unconsciously doing things of poverty, lack, anger, all these things. But then when I addressed it, I shifted and now I attract money. I attract success. I attract things every single day, but I had to realize that my brain and my subconscious was literally a frequency attractor, right?
Because it’s all just doing is just sending out frequency. So once you start to change this, this mindset, and when you start to do it because you already have it by getting in this course. By investing in a course, you put yourself in position to say, hey look, I want to get to change. I wanted to get the information. You are following the process I’m outlining. Teachability index, all this stuff. Now you just have to start to on a daily basis. Put yourself in position to do those good activities. Now here’s the thing, success, money, the things that you want is like the rent and the rent is required every single day. Now the only thing that separates people who are successful and the people who are unsuccessful is the people that are quote unquote successful, whether it’s financially, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, is that, the successful people are too busy doing what the unsuccessful people are too busy talking about doing and watching them do. It doesn’t mean that they don’t want to do it. It’s just that they’re just doing it. So with that being said, take action. Do the things that you want to do, and then make sure that every single day, that you do that activity, you’re going to do something that’s going to put you to the conscious competence phase. To where you do it automatically. You get the information that’s going to help you take yourself to the next level.