1. Manifesting Your S.M.A.R.T. Credit Goals
Disclaimer: We apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors in the slides.
About this about
In this module, we’re going to revisit the S.M.A.R.T. Goals you created in week one of the program. I’m also going to share some very powerful success and wealth building principles to ensure you alway accomplish any financial goal you create for yourself.
- Assets vs liabilities
- Income statement
- The wealth equation
- Excellent Credit as an asset
- Visualization, daily affirmation & goals
- The power of autosuggestion
- Your wish is your command
- Peer-to-peer lending interest producing strategy
- Turn your car into a cash producing asset
- Turn your home, apartment or space into a cash producing asset
Full Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to this module, Manifesting Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals. So this is going to be by far one of the most powerful modules that you will cover in week 10 because I’m going to cover some really, really key principles. And then also help you revisit the SMART goals worksheet that you started and completed in week 1 of the program. So remember this process is about transforming our mindset about credit and our cashflow and also putting ourselves in a position. So now we already understand all the principles about credit, cashflow utilization, lot capacity, lending, the credit algorithm, you know, of a lot, and you have improved a lot and you have, if you have created a lot. So now let’s go back to the goals that you initially started with and make sure that we can make those goals become true in your actual life.
So here is what we’re going to cover. So the first thing I’m going to get into is assets versus liabilities. So up to this point, I’ve done a great, great deal of education coaching on the importance of credit, the importance of cash flow. But now that you are at a place where you’re getting ready to start taking on and leveraging your credit to get the water, so to speak, I want to, I want you to have a really, really clear understanding of assets versus liabilities. So that way you can know and put yourself in position, how to build wealth for you and your family because truly that’s what we all want. Then I’m going to break down an income statement. It’s going to be a, it’s going to be a simplified version of an income statement, but you need to understand how this income statement works.
You’ve already done a phenomenal job putting together a cashflow control system. So that way you can really manage your cash effectively moving forward. And I’ve essentially put you on the trajectory to having what I call a profitable income statement, but I’m going to break it down in layman’s terms, following assets versus liabilities. Now I’m going to get into the wealth equation and what it really, really means to build wealth. So at this point, you’re in this, you’re in this module because you have cleaned your glass. You’ve put the ice in a glass, and now you are ready to go out and get the water to leverage, to build wealth. Ideally. So I’m going to cover that equation. So that way you can plug that into your particular financial situation. Then I’m going to break down credit, excellent credit as an asset, and how to leverage this as an asset.
Many people don’t know how to use this as an asset, but I’m going to just help you understand how and why it should be used as an asset. Then I’m going to get into visualization, daily affirmation, and goals. And then lastly, I’m going to cover briefly the power of autosuggestion. So jam-pack module, and I’m going to go ahead and hop right in. So let’s talk about assets versus liabilities. So we’ve all heard about this. We’ve seen the movies we’ve said, Hey, look, I want to have assets. I don’t want to be a liability, or I don’t want to be a liability on a job, or I want to have an asset, but many of us truly don’t even understand how assets work and how liabilities work. And I’m covering this with you now, because you now have you, you are in the position to go out and make some really, really powerful financial transactions.
However, you need to understand at its basic level, what the differences between an asset versus a liability as you now know how important and powerful your credit and your cashflow are. Those are the two keys. Those are the two principles that are going to help you either become wealthy or continue to be poor or in poverty from an asset perspective. So what is an asset? An asset is anything that produces income and cash flow. Okay? That’s, that’s what that’s what an asset is in simplistic terms and essentially assets make you money. Now, what we want to do is we want to understand and put our money in assets. We also want to get these assets to work for us, but I’ll cover that in another slide. Then it is basic terms. What is a liability? Well, a liability is anything that produces expenses. So if it’s not producing cashflow,
It is a liability. All right. And essentially when we
Break it down, this is anything that was going to cost you money. So now that we really get an understanding of assets versus liabilities, and we now understand how powerful the credit algorithm, our credit algorithm yeah.
Is we are in week 10.
And because we’re going to start purchasing or putting ourselves in a position to get big ticket purchases. Okay? So these are the, this is the breakdown. So let’s go a little bit more detail about assets versus liabilities. So I have some asset examples. So that way you can really kind of say, okay, Kenny, I hear what you’re saying makes me money takes money away. But what are some, some tangible examples? Well, the first asset is your skillset and your ability to earn income. So this actually is an asset. Many of us only rely on, but it’s an asset that starts the process. So if we don’t come from money or we wasn’t given a wealth, a trust fund, or given an investment account from our parents or our parents gave us life insurance money, then the number one asset that we have is our ability to earn income. And the reason why I put your skillset first is because you want to constantly be doing whatever you can do to improve your skillset, because you want to ensure that, okay,
As you are earning money and your ability to earn
Income, you can continue to make more money from that skillset. So that’s probably by far, uh, I’m not going to say the biggest asset you have, but that is an asset that you have. Now, the second one I probably should have put this one first is your mind actually your mind is probably the first one. So your mind. And if we take it a step further, your mind coupled with financial education. So being able to think about and understand and put myself in a great place to understand concepts and then make decisions is really, what’s going to break everything down. Remember I’ve said this multiple times, your credit score, your bank account balances are reflections of your financial behavior and your behaviors are a reflection of your mindset. So in order for you to really, really maximize leveraging this as an asset, your mind should be viewed as an asset coupled with financial education, then excellent credit.
So these are really two good examples of assets that you now have, that you can move forward with and make sure you use effectively. So these two are going to be what we do use to create cashflow. Yeah. The other thing is, is a really common one is a cash producing business. So if you happen to want to start a business or, and there’s so many different types of businesses, but once you get a business up and running, whether it’s, it’s a home-based business, a brick and mortar business, and you have all the processes and systems in place, if that, if that business is producing cashflow, right, it’s an asset because it is producing. Income is producing cash. Another asset is rental properties. And I also want to identify when we say rental properties, we just don’t have a property. We have a property that produces cashflow.
So we have a tenant that covers the mortgage payments, or we have a, we don’t have a mortgage. And that, that piece of real estate or that rental property is making us money. And even if we don’t happen to own the property nowadays, we can still have a rental and we rent and then turn that rental into a, uh, a cash producing. Whether it’s a cash flowing situation, you may not own the actual property, but it’s producing cash for you over and above whatever your, your obligation is. The other one I put down there is income-producing vehicles. So many of us don’t realize that we can put our car, especially if you don’t have a car that we’re using, or we don’t use often we can put it on websites like touro.com and then we can make sure that that income is coming in and it’s producing cashflow for us.
So that’s why I say rental properties and income-producing vehicles, dividend paying stocks, uh, dividend paying stock really means that, Hey, look, I’m going to put my money in this stock. And you guys are going to give me evidence every single quarter, every single year, the simplest most, most, uh, common dividend-paying stock that many people will know about is Coca Cola. Coca Cola well has been around. It’s not going away. Hopefully, I’m not to hopefully start my business, but it’s typically, it’s probably not going to go away. So when you put your money in those types of stocks, that means, Hey, look, you’re going to generally speaking, have a, a fairly secure principal balance. And it’s going to give you dividends. i.e. cash flow, passive cashflow because of you investing your, your, your, um, your assets there, or your income here. So those are just some, some examples of assets, assets.
There’s several other assets, but these are the most common ones. Now let’s get into liabilities. Well, the first liability, and I said this upfront, but about your mindset being your mind, being an asset, but however, your mindset plus lack of financial education, lack of information, just your, your actual mindset can be a liability if you allow it to be. So, the very first liability we have to address is our mindset. So at this point, you’ve gone through all of the content, the information that I’ve produced and created for you, you’ve gone to the call. So you understand how important having a powerful view of your credit and finances is. However, I want you to continue to grow your mindset, because if you don’t, this very thing can turn into a liability and causes this, this, this, this, um, what’s the word I want to use causes?
Um, this, this is it just not be good for us. I don’t know the word was slipping away from me, but essentially you get what I’m trying to say. Your mindset can really either help you go, go up or help you go down. So it was really important that we surround ourselves with the right individuals, surround ourselves with the right information. And then additionally, we go back to our credit score is a three-digit number that reflects our behavior, our mindset, a mortgage. So a mortgage is a liability. And technically, if your home is not producing cashflow for you, it’s technically a liability right now. You may have some equity if you own it out clear, but by definition, a liability is anything that does not produce cashflow for you. Do you get equity in your home? Absolutely. However, at the end of the day, if I’m not making any type of income from that, from that mortgage, it’s technically a liability.
Now bad credit is an obvious liability. So not being able to qualify for things, because we have that bad, my bad credit score, which probably has a lot to do with life happening of in mindset, lack of financial education, lack of resources. It is, it is a liability. So we need to address that more common liabilities, car loans, personal debt, student loan, debt, personal loans. So any type of debt that we have to pay back that we also want essentially, is a liability. Now notice I put mortgages and car loans because mortgages, mortgages, and a car loan is a liability. However, if you position your home, if you position your car to earn income, we can turn that into an asset, right? However, if I don’t and it’s just, I wanted to go out and take my cash cash, is it it’s probably, I probably should have put cash is an asset, by the way, cash, just cash sitting around as an asset.
If I wanted to take my cash that I could use to earn money or produce cashflow and put it in the liability, then it’s not going to help me. So a car loan vehicles typically are at the they’re not assets, they’re liabilities. Then we have maxed out credit cards. And I think this goes without saying, obviously this is a liability. So you went out, you max out credit cards and chances are, if you max out your credit cards and you don’t have the ability to pay them off is because you took your, your income, your cash, and you put it in, you went, you took your cash to go purchase liabilities and things. That’s not going to produce income for you. And now you’re in debt. So this is the, this is the key difference between assets versus liabilities and why we want to, as we now have the power with our credit and cash flow strategically, go out and leverage our credit to produce and buy assets.
So assets versus liabilities explained. So let’s just look at a common example here. So typically here’s what happens. That’s why I said your mindset or your ability. Your skillset is the, is the most important way or the number one way that we can earn income as we start because we don’t want our job or our skillset to be the only thing that produces income for us. However, what most people do is they take their job income or their salary, whether it’s just the salary from the job salary, from your business, any type of income you have coming in, and then you go out and you purchase liabilities and liabilities in a form of mortgages, car loans, credit card, debt, school loan, and then you have, so then you have expenses, taxes, mortgage payments, car payments, credit cards, student loans. And we have nothing coming back into us.
So we look at, Hey, our salaries coming in, we bought a whole bunch of liabilities. Those liabilities don’t produce any cash for us. And then we have to cover those expenses. Versus when we do the same exact thing, let’s just say we have our income here. But we also, instead of, instead of just getting a mortgage, consumer loans and credit cards, I’m not saying that to have those, we leverage these. We leverage our credit to purchase liabilities that will produce or buy assets. We can see that now these assets are producing income and coming right back up to the top of us. And then we can use this income obviously to take care of our expenses. But this is the biggest shift we have to make. There’s nothing wrong with purchasing liabilities at all. I’m not saying that you now have the ability to leverage your credit, to go out and purchase, purchase these things.
What I’m simply saying in this position is we want to leverage our credit to purchase things that are going to produce us cashflow. More specifically, we want to use our cash flow our money. That’s why cash flow control is so important in invest directly in assets. So things like real estate stocks, bonds, rental properties, uh, even if you have a car that’s not doing anything, you can turn it to an asset. So it was all about how you view it. So when we look at an income statement, because this is technically an income statement, you have your income expenses, and then you have your liabilities versus your assets. When we look at this and we look at the three different types of income statements, and I’m not singling anybody out, but typically the poor has their income. They have expenses that they’re not even, they don’t even have the ability to afford liabilities.
They can’t even go out and purchase just normal things. You just have income, you have expenses. And this is where they are. Then the middle-class is at a place where they have the job. They have an income, they take their income, they go out and buy the American dream, so to speak, purchase liabilities, and then they’d take it, take their expenses. And then boom, nothing happens. So the, the, the, it works fine. As long as you have a job. And as long as you have income coming in, however, if you have no income coming in and you you’re left with a whole bunch of liabilities, then you’re up decreed versus what the wealthy do is they take their income and they exclusively invest in things that are going to produce them income or produce a return or appreciate. So it’s a double-edged sword with the home only because if you purchase your home, it technically should appreciate, but you have a mortgage on there.
So that mortgage isn’t producing cashflow. But if you have a rental property or you rent out the room in that property, you do something to create cash. Now you automatically create an asset. Now, this is important for you to understand, because we really, really want to shift our focus from taking our credit and going into debt and taking our credit and purchasing, leveraging, doing things. That’s going to produce us income, produce cashflow. That’s why entrepreneurship and real estate, when done correctly are, and, and investing in the stock market and being a prudent, prudent financial person and educating yourself will help you build wealth. Now, when we look at the wealth equation, simplify, it’s really assets minus liabilities equals your net worth. So when you were going through the cashflow control module and put it the cashflow week, and I was breaking all of this stuff down, you had the ability to use a, My Cash cCarity system to see what your net worth is.
So really positive net worth means we have more assets than we have. Um, liabilities and negative net worth means we have more liabilities than we have assets so we can purchase a property. Let’s just say we purchase a foreclosure. The property is worth $150,000. We purchased a foreclosure for 50,000 and we are automatically in a positive equity position with that property. And then if we choose to put that in there on a market, we have an opportunity to, uh, to really gain. But just looking at this specific example, the foreclosure, we have a home, which is worth 150,000, but we purchase as a foreclosure for 50,000. We finance that 50,000, but the home is worth 150,000. If I sell it, then I would make a $100,000 gain. But just if that was the only thing I had in my portfolio, so to speak, I would have a positive net worth because I owe 50, but it’s worth 150, have a positive network of a $100,000 right? Now, if the inverse was that it was worth 50, I owe 100.
Now, now I’m in debt. So it’s not about how much money you make. It’s about how much money you keep. And this is so important, especially as you guys start to earn more income, right? Remember I talked about Parkinson’s law and how you have to break Parkinson’s law and how you want to make sure that you take your income and you do the past present and future perspective with your, with your money, making sure you put your money in a future bucket, future bucket essentially means you, you can live for things that you want, but you really putting your money in assets. So assets appreciate over time in liabilities, depreciate over time. So case in point, I’m not saying to go out and purchase a car, I’m not saying to go out and purchase a home, right? Those are the two biggest purchases that we want to make.
What I’m going to cover on the rest of the, of these modules is how to do both strategically to what you come up on top. At the same time, we want to make sure we are building our net worth. And we think about the long-term effects of our decisions. So technically if I purchased the home and I’m able to have it appreciate over time, and if I want to sell that or create a rental property, that is an asset. And if I have a car and that car is just simply for personal use then in a, in simplistic terms, it is a liability. However, if I still purchase a car and it happened to rent out that car that produces, that produces cashflow for me, I have the cashflow to cover the note on the, on the, on the car payment. Then it turns into an asset and it pays for itself, so
This is how we want to do everything. And then when we stop, when we go deeper than this, when we look at just how we can leverage or use excellent credit is financial leverage, right? And I’ve just went into assets versus liabilities. But when we really stop, when we think about what does financial leverage mean? Well, and then how are we leveraging our excellent credit as, as an asset? It’s because we have the ability to use that. And this is the key distinction, right? We have the ability to use debt, to purchase assets or more assets that in order to increase our net worth. Right?
So what we’re doing is saying, Hey, look, we’re going to go in a debt, but we’re not going to go into debt and purchase a flat out liability. We’re going to go in a debt and purchase something that’s going to appreciate. So for instance, like the foreclosure situation, that’s a great, that’s a great opportunity. I’m not saying to buy foreclosures only, but that’s an opportunity to go into debt and purchase something that’s going to return. So if I sell my home, if I bought it for 50 and I sell it for 150, I made a $100,000.
That’s, that’s, that’s cash. If I, and I didn’t use my money. So the other thing that excellent credit does is it gives us the ability to have little, to no interest, on interest terms on debt.
So, which means that if I have little to no interest, or my interest rate is lower, that means I have more cashflow to produce back in assets, or I have more cashflow to put towards my savings. I have more cashflow to invest, and there’s so many different ways to invest the three main ways to invest real estate investment, a business, right? Real estate, entrepreneurship business. Those are the three ways that you can reinvest your money. Most commonly people use real estate in normal investment accounts, but if we are not paying on interest in fees, then we have more cash to do that. Then strong cashflow habits, because you won’t
Have, or be able to use your credit as an asset. If you don’t have strong cashflow habits, as we’ve already discovered, it’s not about how much money you make. It’s how much money we keep. And our credit score and bank account balances are numbers that reflect our cashflow
Mindset behavior. Right? Then the other thing is if we have the ability to have a strong cash flow, that just gives us the ability to invest and save more. So that way, now we don’t necessarily need the money. And this is the biggest thing. This is the key. This is the key thing that, that the banks want you to see that they want you to have. They want you to be in the ability to say, Hey, look, this person’s going to be a good risk because they’re already managing all the things already that they have going on right now. Sure. They’re.. They’re a really good risk to loan money too. So once you now have this, this means you have access to
TBM or OPM. Now, normally because of the, now what you’ve done is you’ve put yourself in position to have access to the bank’s money. i.e. the water because you have proven, that you’ve gotten your credit score where it needs to be. You have a strong cash flow program. You have money in savings. You understand underwriting, you understand
Now assets versus liabilities. You have some cash set aside. Let me use the bank’s money to do financial leverage, to go out and buy more assets. Because the banks want to loan to people that are going to pay them back because they make money
When they loan you money. But they don’t want to loan money to people who don’t understand the concept of the game. Then OPM stands for other people’s money. So when you have great credit, it gives you, it opens up both doors. And then when I say other people’s money, the reason why I differentiate between the bank’s money versus other people’s money is because other people’s money. You, because you have shown a good track record with your own finances, and you may need to close on a deal or get a thing done. You can say, Hey, look, I already have $50,000 or a hundred thousand dollars in cash and credit. And I’m putting this much towards my deal, but I need another 50,000. Well, I’ve got 50,000.
I’ll put 50,000 because I already see that you have already financially use your stuff and your resources correctly. So it gives you access to OPM as well. And then the ability to purchase, like I’ve already said, the ability to purchase assets using other people’s money and the bank’s money, right? That is, that is the power of using credit. And that is how your credit is it’s an asset. However, if you don’t use it, in this way, it will turn into a liability and you will become a slave to the system. My goal in teaching you, this is to show you how you can make credit and cash become a slave to you. So that way you make smart money decisions and you invest in assets.
Now let’s go ahead and transition to affirmations, goals and visualization. So at the beginning of this program, you sat down and you created your smart goals. And I think that’s, that’s phenomenal. You want to set your intention. So there’s a couple of key things I want you to do moving forward, especially if you’re watching this particular, this particular module, and you are still completing the week 4, week 5, and week 7, especially week 4 and week 5, where you, you’re still challenging, in your credit. Isn’t where it needs to be. The first thing I want to break down to savers. And this is something that I, that I implemented in my life years ago.
And it’s something that I do every single day, probably four to five times a week. But it’s, this is how, how it happens. The more you do this, the better. So silence. So every time when you wake up in the morning, just sit in silence. Don’t grab for cellphone. Just, just sit in silence and meditate, pray
For a few minutes, just to clear your mind and be grateful. Then we have our affirmations. So we want to read our affirmations to ourselves. We want to read the affirmations. We have visualization. We want to visualize the things that we see in our mind’s eye today. Exercise. If you can exercise every day or at least exercise a few times a week, you want to do that to keep the body okay, active. We want to read, right? We want to put it ourselves in position to where we’re educating ourselves constantly. Remember our mindset. Doesn’t just have to have a great mindset for finances. We do want to have a great mindset for my finances, but we want to be really good spiritually. We want to, be really good mentally, emotionally. So reading helps with that. Even if it’s just 5 or 10 pages a day on something that’s gonna help you become better. We want a journal.
And this is, this is a biggie you’ll notice that when you actually journal. And I haven’t journaled in a few weeks and I’m actually talking to myself, going through this, I need to get back to my journaling habit when you journal and you go back and you reread your journals, like, man, how was I can’t believe I was at that place, you know, a year ago or a month ago. It really, it really gives you the ability to tell the truth to yourself and only yourself, because that’s the most important thing that matters. So what we want to do is implement this savers strategy. There’s a book called the miracle morning. This is where I received this gift from. So I would highly recommend you. You, you, you get that book, you listen to it. It goes in more detail about this concept.
Then we have our affirmations and it’s really important to, with our affirmations. These essentially are they, these are positive statements about ourselves, our goals, our desires, but the key to it is, is doing it in present tense. So one of my goals before I moved and I created the, what I read I created now, um, was, Hey, look, I drive a, uh, CL 550 and, um, it goes 0 to 63 in 3.5 seconds. And my, if he doesn’t go 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds, but I do drive a CL 550. Another affirmation I had years ago was I live in a high rise. It’s a condo. And I live in a high rise condo now, but this was four, three, four years ago when I had this affirmation. Another affirmation I had was I have a million dollar business serve thousands of customers all over the country, all over the, all over the country, um, on a daily basis.
And I helped them improve their credit card finances. Now this again, guys, this was 4 years ago. I have that now. So what am I saying? I’m saying when you create your affirmations, make sure you create them in present tense and you read them every single day as if they’ve already happened and they will become, they will happen. Then goals. You already have created your goals, but you have to be real clear what your goals and know what they are, because if you don’t know what you’re going for, then you won’t be able to achieve anything. So this is just a tangible thing or outcome we want, and it doesn’t just have to be financial goals. It can be a spiritual goal. It can be a relationship goal can be a personal goal. It can be a financial goal. But one of the things I realized about goals in order
to, it’s not about even financial goals, it’s not about achieving a $100,000 a year or a $500,000 net worth or a $1M net worth or creating a $1M business or whatever it is it’s about who you become in the process to achieve that goal. Right? So when we’re going through that process, we are technically not even technically, we are literally becoming a different person. So as we are really clear about our goals, we need to know what they are and what we’re going for. And if we don’t reach them in the timeframe in which we thought we were going to reach them, it’s okay. Right. It’s okay. Because if it’s really your goal, you will achieve it. And the thing that’s really important that I really want to drive home here is be, do have meaning. We want to be the person today in order to do the activities, to have the things that we want.
Many of us try to go do, do the doing first, but we don’t have any affirmations. We don’t have a routine. And because of repetition and repetition and habit are really, really sisters or family, whatever you want to call them are repetition stems from the reptilian part of the brain and the routinely. And part of the brain is one of the oldest parts that we have as a human species. So repetition in the reptilian print part of the brain just does things. It does things, and we don’t have the ability to change it because we’re so habitually in it. So in order to really, really have lasting change, we have to do two things. Number one, we have to reroute the neural pathways in our brain. And when we do that, we can start to change our habits. And when we start to change our habits, we can start to be the person that we truly see ourselves being today.
So that way we’re being that person. Now, when we’re doing the activity, we’re doing things that are going to be in alignment with who we said, we want it to be, or who we’re being. And then we’re going to get the have the desire that we want. So I know I went off on a somewhat tangent on goals, but it’s so important that you get this. And that just really just goes right into the visualization. So is viewing the things as if you have them in your mind’s eye today. Okay. When I literally look up where I live today, what I drive today, the people I serve today, my personal relationship, my spiritual relationships. It is what I visualized years ago. It’s crazy. Like it’s so crazy. Yeah. The only thing that I have not manifested in my life yet is a wife and kids. And I’m sure I found out who my wife
was going to be. We just, we just got to have some kids and I got to get married. But until that happens, everything else has happened. Even down to me saying that I was an active member in my alumni association, I’m the president of my alumni association. How did I do that? I set the intention years ago, right? And even with me and I visualized it and don’t get me wrong. All of this stuff was not easy to achieve. I wanted to give up, I wanted to go join the Peace Corps I wanted to get out of it. However, I kept going. And I kept doing these, these, these things because there’s a difference between motivation and, and desire, motivation and discipline. Innovation gets you going, discipline keeps you, motivation gets you started discipline, keeps you going, doing these things on a daily basis.
When you don’t want to move forward, it’s going to keep you going because it’s the repetition. Remember the compound effect, all of these things add up. So this is so, so, so important that you get this. And then the last thing is auto, auto suggestion. And really all the suggestions just goes into at a deeper level of everything I’ve just discussed. So what you say, and you think you become right, what you say and think you become. So if you say you’re poor, if you say you’re stupid, if you say you’re an idiot, that’s what you will become. If you say you’re wealthy, if you say you’re successful, you say you’re humble. Whatever it is, you will become that because you become what you think about most of the time. That’s why it’s so important that we block off. Even I’m not, and I’m not knocking social media, but so many of us look at social media, we’re looking at things and we’re trying to see somebody else puts up on that may or may not be even authentic or real.
And now you’re, you’re, you’re thinking about something that you may not want, but if you’re only focused on, but if you’re focused on really thinking and the thinking is so important. Remember I talked about this in week one, the thinking if you’re, so if you’re focused on the thinking, the how, the doing will come. So what we think about most of the time is important. So that’s why the affirmations, the visualization, the goals, all of that stuff is so important that we need to be thinking about it. Then what you tell yourself actually becomes your reality. Just like what you think about becomes your reality. So I have to be really, really cautious with, you know, saying, Oh man, I’ve got bad credit or I’m bad with money. Okay. Well, if you continue to say, you’re bad with money, you are going to continue to be bad with money. So it was so, so, so important to shift that if you say I have a temper tantrum, or I have that with people, then you’re going to continue to be that. So again, what you tell yourself becomes the reality. Your wish is your command and your brain is a transmitter and a receiver or vibrational frequencies. Now there’s a video put right below this call. Your wish is your command. I know I just said that, but it really makes a difference. I put some resources below this module, take advantage of those resources, but
You’re probably like man Kenney is also far out stuff right now. I’m just trying to figure out how can purchase big ticket purchases and why is it, so why are you talking about this Kenney? Well, the reason why I’m covering all of this stuff is because, especially with your brain and your mindset is because years ago they would have said that the internet, they would have said that cell phones was, you know, impossible, right? Like we’re talking two, three, 400 years ago, right? They would have, heck even a 100 years ago, 150 years ago. If you were to tell somebody, Hey, look, I can talk through a computer and you can hear me. They were like, what the heck is a computer? What the heck is a cell phone? But the technology was there the entire time. We just didn’t understand how to use it. So I tie that up to say, your brain works the same exact way. It transmits vibrational frequencies. And those vibrational frequencies are going to be attracting the things to you or not attracting the things to you.
So that’s why we want to ensure if we’re saying, Hey, look, we want to have this type of car. Would want to have this type of home would have this net worth, whatever it is, we get really, really clear on it because the brain is only going to do what you tell it to do. And you are only to become who you think you want to become, right? Not, um, well, let me say it this way. You are going to become who you are truly meant to be. However, you have to be the person first to become the person too many of us, try to become the person versus focusing on the being. We have to do the being first and a being is every single day. Okay? So with that being said, you have all the tools to manifest your SMART goals. Go get the goal, SMART goals, worksheet, look at them, create your affirmations, take action. And I will see you in the next module. And to give you some clarity, the first two modules are all about just getting prepared for big ticket purchases. Then I go into the home buying blueprint and then the auto financing system, because those are the two common purchases that we want to make, leveraging our credit. But I show you how to do it, to ensure that you come out on top. All right. So we see you in the next module.