How to Fill Out Credit Card Applications
Disclaimer: We apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors in the slides.
About this module
In this module, I’m going to show you how to apply for credit card applications. Now that you know how to do your research, understand the credit card tier system, the application rules, and how the automated underwriting system works; it’s time to get some more credit.
- Finding the application links
- Staying organized
- Filling out the applications
- The mass submission
- The Reconsideration line
- Managing billing date
Full Video Transcript
Hello and welcome everyone to this module, how to fill out credit card applications. So this is the pretty much last step in this week. So that way we can ensure that we fill out the credit card applications for the best chances of being approved. So at this point, you’ve done a lot of due diligence in terms of everything we’ve identified on the best type of cards, understanding the card tier system, understanding automated underwriting. So in this module, I’m just going to give you some additional pointers on what to do when you’re filling out these credit card applications for those specific tiers, then show you really how to really just get the most results with this. So here is what we’re going to cover. So the first thing I’m going to get into is finding the application links. So that way we can identify what applications we’re going to apply with and where to find them.
Then I’m going to break down, staying organized. As you already know, this is going to keep things up and top and been talking about this entire time in our, in our, in our coaching program is staying organized. So what we’re going to do to stay organized with this process, filling out all the applications. So filling out the applications themselves, just some key pointers just to have, and to make sure you don’t overlook or omit, then I’m going to break down the mass admission process. Assuming that’s the route that you choose to go. Uh, then I’m going to break down the reconsideration line, how to leverage that as a tool, and then lastly, how to manage massive and break that managing your billing dates. So that way you can ensure that up to this point, really, hadn’t had to talk about managing billing dates because you just with the tier one and tier two cards, although we did talk about it, I just really just encouraged you to pay your bills on time, but also make sure you pay them before that, the statement date, but I’m going to get into the details of this.
So let’s go ahead and hop in. So the first thing, so this is going to be more of an action type module. So I’m going to be going out of the slide presentation and going to actual links. But the first thing we want to do is break down, finding the application links. Now a US credit card guide is a tool that I already already broke down to you. This is going to be the primary tool I would suggest going to because we can not only get the application links, we’ll be supporting that other business, uh, because they do get paid based off the research, which is, which is pretty cool. Um, but we’ll be able to identify all of the links in one place and then a bit perks of that credit card. So another one is credit If you don’t want to use for US credit card guide, and I’m gonna suggest using US credit card.
And then what we want to do is add the application links to our Google sheets. So in week six, I gave you a credit utilization sheet. So we’re going to go back to that sheet that we’ve filled out because at this point we should have all of our, for our 20K blueprint cards and accounts filled out. So that way we know, are you new utilization? So you should have all four of the, the cards that I recommended, uh, and then either the Indigo or the Horizon. So you want to pull that link up and then we’re going to really just pull up those, uh, pull up, pull up that Google sheet. And they went and put the application that we’re going to identify. So they me get out of this. And then I’m going to show you how we would do this. So this is the sheet I’m talking about.
And it’s, again, I put it below this video, assuming you didn’t do it, but I would say you, you should have done this and no
Is that we have the, My jewelers and all the other accounts that you could have enrollment for a total of 20,000
In limit. And then card
One, two, three, or four, if you already have cards. So now what we’re
Going to do is I’m going to assume
You didn’t have any cards and we’re going to add, we’re going to add one below, actually, excuse me, we’ll add above. So remember we want to build up that credit card base. So we want to at least have a minimum
Of five
Credit cards, five to eight credit cards, and we can probably get all five cards
If we wanted to,
We can probably get all five cards now. And when I say now, I mean, we can get all five, depending upon if we don’t, if we’re not necessarily concerned with the Chase f5 and 24 rule, but this is going to be how we
Really use this sheet. Now,
Second part that I want to show you is US credit card guide. Like I was saying, if we go to US credit card guide, US credit card, US credit card guide.
There we go. So when we go to this website,
The simplest way to leverage this tool is to come right here to credit cards and credit card list. Okay? Then when you click on credit card list, all of the cards are going to be, the major cards are going to be in order, starting with American Express. Now you gonna see all the application or the other
cards and American Express offers then went to see all the cards that Chase offers and so on and so forth. So what we’re looking for and you already know are those tier three in those tier four credit cards. So this is going to be the list that we can use and leverage to do this. So what I’m going to do, being that we’ve got these two tools pulled up, I’ve got, I have several application links that I want to kind of walk you through the logic of, but I’m going to get back to this slide presentation to make sure we cover a couple of things on staying organized. So the first thing is is that when we look at staying organized, they we’ll reference those links. The first thing is we want to make sure, you know, we want to, we want to make sure we’re mapping out our applications.
We’re using this to follow the rules and the knockout rules that, that we covered in the previous module. So case in point, we we’re gonna have our normal cards and those are going to, when I say our normal cards, what I mean is is that our tier three cards that are not cards that are associated with, they’re just straight up credit cards. And they’re, they’re not like an airline type of card or a hotel card. They’re just a normal credit card. So we’re going to have our normal cards that we want to identify. Then we’re going to want to look like, then we want to look at our hotel and our airline cards. So what this means is, is when we’re building out that credit card base, wouldn’t it be looking at a combination of both of these cards, because this is going to help us build an efficient base, because these are going to be cards.
It’s going to be used moving forward. Then you want to decide, am I more of a hotel person? Do I want more hotel perks? Or do I do, do I want more airline preferences? So which one is more important to me? You can make a decision because you know how to do this, but I’m going to break down how to find them. The other thing is that you want to, you want to be making sure you want to think about building Chase a part of your base. Like I’ve already said, if I had to do this over, I will go heavy on Chase only because Chase is going to give us those higher limits. And they’re going to give us typically some of the best opportunities for rewards points, just for just credit cards, not the airline and or hotel specific cards. So what we want to think about is, as we’re mapping out, our cards is we’re thinking about, okay, what about if we try to do Chase or Bank of America or American Express, we need to take that into account, which means we can’t do all of these applications all at once.
If we want to really build a strong foundation with Chase. Now, when you’re thinking about building, Chase as a part of your base, again, if you’re starting from scratch, if I’m starting from scratch, we absolutely want to have that Chase Freedom and Unlimited. We want to go ahead and apply for that. We want to make that as a tier three card and that tier three card is going to give us a lot of benefits that we want to go ahead and apply for when we’re building our base. The other thing we want to think about is, um, is the Chase Sapphire preferred, and this is a tier four card, but it’s a, it’s a tier four card that is going to potentially, depending upon where you are with the application process and your credit, if your credit is that like a 720 or you’re in the high sevens, and you’ve done everything that I’ve told you to do up to this point, I would say, I would suggest that you do the Chase Freedom and the Chase Sapphire preferred, even though it’s a tier four card, because I would still go in and get that knocked out because of the rules that we understand about the 2/30 and then the Chase 5 and 24.
The other thing I would do is I would look into if you like the hotel and airline specific tier four cards that Chase offers, assuming you liked those hotel cards, then I would include that a part of my base as well. And when I say included, like for instance, personally, I have the Chase Freedom Unlimited. I don’t have the Chase Sapphire prefer. Now can’t even access it at this point because I’m in the 5 and 24. And I have the Chase Inc, which is a chip is a business card. So I have two of the Chase cards right there. So you can just basically take out the tests that are chase Sapphire Reserve. And then what I did from a hotel card was I got the Chase Marriott, but my airline card is not through Chases through American and that’s my Delta.
So what I’m saying here, when, when we’re building Chase as a part of our base to be clear is we want to absolutely get the CFU and the CSP, um, because those are going to be straight up credit cards. That’s going to give us the points
And the perks to give us the, the, the bonuses, Chase Sapphire preferred. It’s probably going to have a smaller fee, but then we’ve got the Chase hotel cards when they look at, and those are going to be our tier four cards. So I say all that to say that we want to look at building Chase a part of our base. I’m not saying Chase your only card, but the reason why we want to make chase a part of our bases because of 2/30 and the 5 and 24, which I’ll cover in another slide again to read it
Right, then we want to remember that we’re only going to be applying for our tier three cards and then possibly tier four, depending upon the such scenario. The reason why I’m saying possibly tier four is because if we go out and we, we already, if you did the horizon or the, or the Indigo card, then that means you only have four additional spots. Assuming you have not opened up any other credit cards in the last 24 calendar months. So this means I have four other opportunities before Chase’s 5 and 24 rule kicks in. So that’s why I’m saying possibly tier four cards, because you potentially could get approved for a lower end tier four card that is going to give you more of a hotel or airline specific. If you wanted to do with Chase, um, then you want to make sure you implement, you implement you, input your application on the, the sheet.
And when I say that sheet the Google sheet. So again, just to reiterate our tier three cars, this is going to be the information that we, we are looking for on our tier three cards. So no annual fee, uh, introductory offer cash or cash equivalent offers all this good stuff. And these, if we’re looking at this, um, these again to reiterate, these are like the tier three cards that we would almost want to research and look into to build our base. But again, making chase going, going heavy with chase is the suggestion here. So we want to do the, the Chase Freedom. Absolutely. And then these other cards that I covered in a previous module are literally the other tier three cards that I would do to build out the base, assuming, assuming I didn’t want to get it’s still me. I didn’t want to get any other Chase card. So, and
Really quickly, what I want to do is show you this. I’m going to come back to the tier four cards, but I’ve covered the tier three cards. But if we’re going back over to US credit card guide and we’re on this website, right? So this is the Chase Freedom Unlimited card. So the reason why this one is really, really, really powerful is because it is, it is a solid tier three car. And what they’re saying is not to get in the weeds is after you spend $500 in the first three months, you’re going to earn one and a half percent. You are points with no cap on everything which really, really good. And you are pointing to the ultimate rewards points, um, that you can use as cash or for bonuses. You can use it as cash or as to, to book flights or just buy gift cards or depending on your balance. So you just want to absolutely get this chase card. So this is the CFU. And then if you wanted to get to the application link, you would just open this
Up and
It’s going to give us the actual link to Chase the Chase Freedom Unlimited card right here, so we can apply. So we would just do control,
copy, and we will go over to the,
Even though it says login URL, I would just put that right here. And then I would just say that this is the CFU Chase Freedom Unlimited. So you would just stay organized and just say, Hey, look, this the Chase Freedom Unlimited, just so you can have all of this
One place. I would just put CFU, honestly, C F U to keep it simple. Then, um, again,
We have this, we have this, we have this sheet here. We have the US credit card. So again, if I’m looking at Chase cards,
Uh, we’re going to be definitely wanting to do the Chase Freedom Unlimited. Then
Another one, if we’re, if we’re comparing Chase Freedom Unlimited to Chase Freedom, I would just lean towards the Chase Freedom Unlimited because there’s no cap, even though you probably, because this is technically a tier three card, this one’s just going to offer a little bit more perks than this one will, because this one is more designed to give you,
You like perks up to I’ll pull it up and show you. And again,
The other thing you’ll notice is, um, so this is, I’m still doing my research. So it was saying, Hey, look, you can get your points categories. You’ll still get similar. You are points, but you only
Really get points in like
Different categories in this cap. So do your research here. But again, if I’m looking at both of these tier three cards at chase, I’m doing the Chase Freedom Unlimited, not necessarily to Chase on Chase Freedom. Uh, so there’s that. Now the other thing we’re looking at too, and to go back over here is those are our two.. So we’ve got our tier tier three card. We’ve chased the other card that I will look into with Chase. It’s not a tier three, but again, chase has that five and 24 rule is I will look at that chase Sapphire preferred, okay, I will look at this one. I would just go out and shoot for it. And this one has the CSP. This one has a really, really solid bonus offer. It’s a tier four card in a reason why it’s a tier four card. And the reason why I know it’s a tier four card, and the reason why, you know, what’s a tier four card is if we go back over to what tier four cards look like, remember they have annual fees between 100 to $195, and they allow you to earn a lot of points to have signup bonuses between 5 and $700 tip limits are typically 5,000 plus.
And your credit score needs to be at least a 700 income at least 40,000. So when we go back and we look at this chase specifically, that’s definitely a tier four card executive discipline. I think it was this link
Right here. Yep. It’s definitely
A tier four card because it has a $95 annual fee not to
Worry. Um, but the
Thing about this one is they’re saying, Hey, look, we’re going to give you 60 ultimate rewards points after you spend $4,000 in the first three months. And again, we would be using this card on expenses that we’re already going to spend anyways. But what this means to be clear
Here is essentially, um, if you look at
This is basically where $880 is what you would get out of this once you spend this and it covers the annual fee. So not to get into the weeds here, if I’m looking at building up my Chase space and not even getting into how we maximize this, cause I don’t want to get too far in the weeds. What I’m saying is chase freedom, chase Sapphire reserve, because those are going to be our two foundational cards that we can use with chase. That’s going to give us really, really solid limits. And we would be tapping into a tier four. But the only reason why we’d be doing that again is because we’re going to, we don’t want, we want to use those two slots within that 5 and 24 rule. And that would only apply with these 2 cards in the first 30 days, which means we can’t go out and try to do multiple chase cards or multiple any of the cards we would have to. When I say mapping this out, we would have to almost do these two within the first 30 days, then come back in about two months
Or even come back in about
45 days or 60 days. And then we would do the rest of the car applications. I’m going to break down, right? But again, I would knock out these two right out the gate.
Um, now that’s only
If you’re concerned with building chase. The other thing is, is that if we go back over to the US credit card guide is you’ll notice that I’m gonna go back is that chase has other cards as well, that are airline and hotel specific. Now let me break this down to be clear
If you are a Marriot person, which means you like to stay at the Marriott, then I would consider adding the Marriott Bonvoy
Boat or probably
The Bonvoy boat car. Because when I stop and I look at this car, this is more of like a tier three card. And I think I have a pulled up here. That’s the Chase Sapphire Reserve.
Um, where is it at here? It is Marriott. So
When we look at this Marriott Bonvoy card, it has no annual fee, which means this is definitely a tier three card. So it’s definitely a solid two, three card to apply for. And they’re getting breaking out of points. But again, you can, if you like Marriott, this would be that hotel card. If you want to build on the hotel side. Now, if you’re looking at the Marriott Bonvoy versus the Marriot.
Yeah. Um, Boundless Bonvoy, versus the
Marriott Bonvoy versus the Boundless. You can learn more about that and breaks down the differences between the two. So you’ve got to Chase Bonvoy boat, zero annual fee boundless, um, which is a $95 annual fee that American Express Bonvoy, which is definitely a tier four card tier five card. We don’t even want to work, worry about this. They will not have to worry about this either. So we’re really going to be in these two categories if we’re looking at this chase card, but again, this is a hotel specific one. Now, if we exit out of that and you say, look, I don’t like Marriott, like IHG. Then IHG has another card that is the IHG Chase Premier card. And this one is giving you the opportunity to do either the Chase ISG traveler, which is a tier three card or the chase IAG premier, which is a tier four card.
Again, the safe bet. If we’re trying to build up on Chase, assuming we want to, we like IHD because ISU is through Chase. We can use this particular tier three option because it would be a two or three cards that we would be approved for. And then we can upgrade later on if you want to upgrade, upgrade the card. Right. But that’s, that’s just an example. Now, as we wrap up here with chase that’s, if you wanted to do hotel, you still have the opportunity because chase has relationships with Southwest British airways, and I believe one other airline United Travel bank. So actually that’s a, that’s the, so we don’t have to worry about United. So United yeah. United airways. So if you’re more of a United person, look at both of these United cards and then go for the one that’s the tier three, because that’s more of a United type of scenario.
If you fly United, or if you say, Hey, look, I don’t like the United I fly Southwest. Southwest is with Chase. And if you really, really like Southwest, look at the Southwest cards and identify which of these Southwest cards is a tier three card looking at this right out of the gate, Rapid Rewards versus Rapid Rewards Premiere. And then priority is probably going to be this gray one. That’s the tier three only because it doesn’t have that additional stuff. So if we pull this up, we can see, um, Chase credit card, Southwest 75K bonus offer. And let’s see if there is a annual fee, there is a smaller annual fee. So this would, this would technically be kinda, kinda opposite tier four, but the annual fee is so small. It can be almost the approval. Wouldn’t be as high as a tier four. So again, I think you get the point I’m making with Chase the importance of this, and the reason why we’re spending so much time on chase is because of the application rules that chase has, which are you pull it up again?
I don’t even know if I have it on this slide. I may have known this slide. Uh, I don’t have it on this slide. It’s the 2/30 rule and the, yeah, it’s the 2/30 rule and the 5 and 24 rule, which means Chase is saying you can’t apply for more than yep. Chase is saying you can’t apply for more than 2 cards in a 30 day period. And you can’t have more than 5 applications in the last 24 months from credit cards. All right. So that’s Chase now going back over to the US credit card guide, assuming we did do, assuming we want to move forward, assuming we don’t want to move. So assume we want to move forward with chase. We’re going to get these two cards right out the gate. So let’s just say, Hey, look, I don’t really care about all those other cards you’re talking about right now, Kenny, I just want to just get my two chase cards that you’re recommending.
And I don’t really care about the airline and the hotel parts. Well, that’s fine. So this would be the base that I would recommend you build up. So it would be the Discover it, Bank of America, and double cash back. I would potentially do the American Express card, but if we want to go back over here to US credit card guide, we can get a feel for those other cards as well. And again, you may say, Hey, look, I want to do a travel card with Citi. Um, because I like, um, American Airlines, right? So if you say, Hey, look, I want to do my American Airlines credit card. Cause I like American Airlines. Then you would, you would, you would follow the rules that I covered in a previous module about the applications with Citi. Remember Citi is really one of those companies. They don’t want you to have six inquiries in the last six months.
So you want to make sure you take, take that into account. So you would probably look at for sure, the Citi double cash back, because this is a, this is a solid tier three card. It’s going to give you the cash back, which is what you want. And then you can look at it if you are more of an American Airlines person. So again, remember Citi has the one and eight, no Citiy has, I believe the one and eight and then the, the 2 and 65. So you would probably be looking at that too. You would be looking at the Citi double cash back potentially in American Airlines, if that’s what you like, or if you like Expedia. So if you’re more of a hotel person who likes to use Expedia, so to speak, you’ll notice that you’ve got those two Expedia cards identify the one that’s going to be the tier three car.
That’s going to give you the ability to easily get yourself that approval. Discover again, nothing really to go into with Discover, just get the Discover, um, card. It has a 0%, um, no annual fee. And then typically this is, you’re going to definitely more than likely highly be approved for this one. The limit might not be as high. The limits are going to be the highest absolutely with Chase. And I will look into this, discover it. The other one is the bank of America cash or card as well. If you do fly Virgin, if you do fly American, um, Alaska, which I highly doubt, but if you do, I, I wouldn’t recommend getting a Citi credit. I mean a spirit credit card in my opinion, Citi is just, I meant Spirit airline. Maybe you like Spirit. And I don’t want sound judgemental here. So let me not say that. So if you like Spirit as your airline, then as I said, the whole thing goes true to what I’m saying is you would identify this and then you would put this on your application leap. So that being said, we’ve already identified Bank of America as a card we’ve identified, Discover as a card. So all we would do is click on
These links, do the
Actual application link,
And then we would just get the link. Um, so we would do this one and
We would just put this, we would just put these applications on our sheet. So I’m going to put this one down
Here, BOA, and then
I would still do the same thing for the say Sapphire Reserves. I mean, cause again, if I’m Chase Sapphire preferred and we be clear, chase Sapphire, C S F I would go and get that application link and put that there. Right? So I would gather all the application links. So again, if you’re at a place where you don’t really care about Chase, I’m repeating myself, you can just get the two Chase cards and then you can do the rest of this process, right. But Bank of America is a solid one. And then the last one I will look into the very last one I will look into and just thinking about this. Um, remember the rules about American Express. The reason why I’m not really spending so much emphasis on American Express is because I’d rather, you guys get a solid base of tier three cards.
Then if you do American express, because American express does have a, a solid tier three card, which is the American express everyday card. But remember the rule about American express, right? American express has the once in a lifetime rule, which means when you become a brand new customer. Now this is, let me preface this statement by saying, this is only if you don’t already have a relationship with American express. Okay? So if you already have a relationship with American express, even if you have an authorized user relationship, then your bonus is out the door. At this point, the lifetime rewards bonus that they give you the offer. I should say, isn’t going to be applicable to you. However, if you’ve never had a relationship with American express like ever, what American Express does is they offer brand new customers. The craziest, I’m not going to say, I don’t want to over, over, over sell it.
They give new customers great
Bonus offers. So what am I saying? I don’t think the bonus offer would be that great for a tier three card. The bonus offer will be better for a tier four heck, even a tier five card. But I would say your solid best bet would be starting with an American Express tier four card, maybe like a, a Delta Sky Miles. If you, if you like Delta or an American Express Gold card, you definitely don’t want to do an American Express Platinum card. So what I’m to you is, is if you already have a relationship with American Express, then go ahead and add this tier three American Express Blue cash card everyday to your base, because that would give you the Chase Freedom unlimited tier three card that would also give you the bank of America cash rewards card, tier three, that would give you the discovery tier three card.
And then you would also have the Chase Sapphire Reserve. I mean, Chase Sapphire preferred, which is a tier four card, but it does those two Chases. We need to be to high limit then, um, to add additional things, you would also have that Citi card. So those are three, four solid cash back cards that are going to give you those low introductory offers, 0% interest rate that should be using, and you can just use the cash and then you can get a feel for all those banks. And what you’ll notice is you’ll, you’ll be using one of those cards more than more than the other, and then last but not least, if you never had that relationship with American express, they can get that American express go. Um, um, if you have had a relationship with American Express, get the American Express everyday card, if you never had a, really a relationship with American express, my suggestion is you hold off on this tier of cards with American express, and then you come back.
Once you have a solid foundation in place with these tier three cards and you maybe do a gold card. Now, could you do a American express gold card right now? And the SkyMiles card right now? Absolutely. But let me spend some time on this. So you can, so you can really get what I’m saying about these two cards, um, or I’m just referencing Delta SkyMiles and American Express Gold card because both of these cards are tier four cards, but these cards offer different perks. Okay. So if we look at just the traditional American Express gold card, I have the business version of this card. I have a personal version of this, but if we just look at this car and we go back into looking at a research, right, um, we can see the main thing I want to show you is you have all the details about how this car works.
But the main thing we’re looking at is what is the bonus offer that we’re getting with American Express, right? So it says, it’s saying that we’ll get the historical first year annuals feet fees way, but the bonus offer is between 50,000 and a 100,000 points. So it looks like it’s been hovering right around 50,000 points or 50,000 like a bonus offer when you first signed up with American Express. Um, so that’s what I’m, that’s what I mean, obviously you can look into all the details about what this card does and how you can get your points. But again, this is just a, the, the, uh, the American Express Gold card right now. I’m not seeing anything sexy about, about this right. It’s American Express card. So what we could do is we go over here, see us click on credit cards. And what you’ll notice too, on this, on the, um, on this US credit card guide is they’ll usually have the banks that have the best bonus offers on the front end like this, um, this card.
So right here, so here, they always would have something. So it says best credit card offers in June. And we’ll see if American Express is a part of this. So platinum card where out of these two, because this platinum card is going to be a tier five card. And we were not even looking at the tier five cards. Um, Chase Sapphire preferred have a card that I recommended, obviously for the chase base, um, American Express Hilton. Again, if that’s, if you’re more of a Hilton person, um, you can look at that. But again, this is saying, Hey, look, they have 150 K offers. So this isn’t, this isn’t, this is a perfect example of what I’m referencing here. So American express is offering through this American express Hilton card. Again, if you like Hilton, they’re offering 150,000 points, which is huge after you spend 4,000, the first three months, which means we would just spend whatever normal expenses we’re going to spend any waste put on the car, paid off. Then we get 150 points, 150,000 points, and then they’re going to even weigh the annual fee. So this looks like it’s more of a tier five cards. I would probably probably not go for this, but I’m just showing you where you can do. So this would probably be a solid one, Delta American Express on sky miles, platinum, 70 to a hundred thousand dollar point offer. This is the great example of what I mean by this. So 50K offers
The American express is…
All right, sorry about that. So, but we see that this American Express only has 50,000 points versus this Delta Sky Miles, but like Delta has given me a 70 to a 100,000 point offer. I’d probably go with that one. Um, and I think you get the point at this point. I mean, you get the point in terms of what I’m referencing here. Just do your research with American Express. Because when you dive in with American Express, you want to get the best American Express offered. They’re going to give you because you will never get that offer again, right? Doesn’t mean that you defer your American Express. I’m just making it clear that once you joined American Express, you’re not going to get that ultimate offer. So even if it’s just a normal offer that everybody’s getting, and you see if you waited two or three months, because you were building up your credit card base anyways, to join American Express and a tier three tier four level, and you see that they’re offering like some crazy mile or point offer, don’t be tight or salty because you chose to do your American Express today.
And again, I’m not telling you, you have to do it in is breaking it down. So you understand, right. But moral of the story is we would take these application links and we would put them here, right? So you have them nice and organized and then take into account the base that we referenced in the rules. So Chase Freedom. Absolutely. These would be the solid ones with the exclusive American Express based of everything. I just said, then we’re looking at those chase tier four cards. I mean, we’re looking at tier four cards, but we would only be looking at those tier four cards. If we’re looking to do something like a Chase Sapphire preferred, I’ve already broken down at nauseum, American Express. And then I broke down the differences between all of these tier four type of cards in the examples. Because if we’re, if we’re looking at this, we’re really just doing a combination of those solid cash back tier three cards.
And the only reason we would dip into the tier four card is for a hotel or airline specific reason, meaning that halo, we like airline. We liked this airline and we liked this hotel. Not necessarily because it’s a tier four car, the only tier four were quite, I would suggest you get is that tier four Chase Sapphire preferred. Now having said all of that, let’s get over to filling out the applications. So this is a fairly straightforward thing. If you remember, when you, you, you did this process at the beginning, when you were updating all of your information with the credit bureaus, what we’re going to do is we’re just going to fill out the information. That’s only on your report. So your first and last name only then we want to do our street address, but like your normal street address of that day, we can verify you.
But basically whatever’s on your credit report is what you want to put on your credit card application employer. In the past, I had said you can put self-employed, but my suggestion, even though I work, basically my money is my own company. I’m full, I’m employed full time, technically as the owner of the company, I just have a role in the company. So I always say that I’m employed. So my suggestion is even if you are, self-employed just say you are employed and then put the name of your employer as your company. Um, I don’t know why, but banks consider people who are self-employed or work for themselves higher risk, especially when you say self-employed, as opposed to saying that you have a business. Um, so just say that you are employed. Uh, the other thing is you always want to check that you have a checking and a savings account, because remember we’ve already, and you should, you will have a checking and savings account because we, we set up checking and savings accounts and we accepted.
So, but you always want to check that, that you have that on, on the, uh, on the application. And the other thing is renting. Uh, this is almost up to you just going to just break this down. You already understand DTI. It’s not, they’re not, they’re typically not going to fact check this, but a quick app hack that I realized, or I noticed in the past is for increased limits. What you can do is put your rent only as a hundred dollars. And if they ask to say, Hey, look, I have a roommate. And you know, this is why, you know, my rent is so low or I’m living with a mom. I’m transitioning with my living situation. I’m only paying a small amount of rent. And the reason why I’m bringing this up right now is because
This will help you get, they’re going to consider that your, your DTI is a little bit lower and they’re not going to really fact check it. But the other point I’m making with this is that this isn’t something that, because you now have an understanding of credit, you’re not going to go get these credit cards or use these credit cards or go into debt. You’re really just trying to have access to as much capital as possible. So when you needed it, but this is just a quick hack that, that, uh, that I noticed that will increase potentially the limits. It’s not a surefire thing, but it’s a quick little hack. All right. Now, when we’re looking at the Chase Freedom card, so I’ll just pull the application. And this is an example. If you go to the application on what to fill out, so again, you want to just put your first name, last name, if your middle initial isn’t on your credit report, there’s no need to include it.
If your middle initial is on your credit report, you can include it. Obviously you can include your street address. It’s okay to put Avenue and all that stuff at this point. But really what I’m referencing is you just want to put on this application, what is on your credit report? The other thing is you always want to put down your, your, your, that your employee I’ve already said this, but make sure you do that, then I don’t have it selected, but you want to put your primary residence so you can either select you’re renting. You own a home. So if you own a home, you obviously have to put down that you own a home because they’re going to know you own a home. So you can’t, you can’t get it right. You can’t do the hat that I talked about. If you rent with you own a home, it’s just not possible.
And you just fill out, fill out all your information here, just like it’s on your credit report. Now, the other thing I want to cover after going through all of this process is the mass admission process. Now this is going to be highly, rather than if you’re at a place where you’re like, you know what, Kenny, I’m not necessarily concerned with getting all those chase cards that you referenced. I’m cool with just getting the chase freedom unlimited, and I don’t need all the others. Okay, well, that’s perfectly fine. So if you only want to get that one Chase card, I still recommend you. I still suggest you get to chase Sapphire preferred. You apply for that. But once you do those two, two cards and you can do what’s this, this, this, um, this method. So again, remember that chase has the five, the 5 and 24 and the 2/30 rules.
So you can not apply for more than 2 Chase cards in a 30 day period point blank in the discussion, no matter how good your credit report is and the five and 24 rule. Now, assuming we’re cool with just getting those 2 Chase applications and we want to apply for all the other applications at the same time, we’ve already outlined all the applications that we’re going to be applying for. Let’s just say, we’re going to do 2 Chase cards. And then the Citi, the Bank of America, the, the, the, uh, Discover, and the American Express. And let’s just say, we’re going to do a travel card too. So that’d be like a total of like six cards, right? Um, so what we want to do was open up each application. We have the links, but then we’re going to open up an incognito window and then going to copy pace.
The application lead that we already referenced in that incognito window, right? And we want to, or if we don’t want to use an incognito window on Google Chrome, that’s what I suggest you can open it up in different internet browser. So for instance, you may have internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Chrome, Canary, which is a, even though it’s Chrome, it’s a different version of Chrome. So it’s what I realized is that Google Chrome has like four different chromes available. So technically is viewed as an internet, a different internet browser. And the reason why you’re doing this, yeah, because credit card companies you don’t want, if, especially if you’re applying for two chase cards, you don’t want to apply for two chase cards in the same, in the same window. At the same time, you don’t want the other banks to know that you’re applying for the chase card, that the cards as well.
So, and you want to, you want to, you don’t want the other banks to see that the inquiries are going to be popping up. So you do this all at once. Um, then what you do is you want to quickly input all your personal information on each application. So basically it’s the same information. So you just input all that information. And then once you’ve done this, you’re going to submit each application in rapid succession. So you go up submit, submit, submit, submit, submit. Once you have inputted all your information in, on that application for all your credit cards all at the same time. So this is an example and I’m recommending. So let’s just say you would have, and you have to do this really quickly. So let’s just say you would have your chase card, discover your American express, all the cards that you’re applying for, have them all open up in the same window, but you want to do an incognito window and I’ll show you really quickly how you do that.
So if you’re coming right here and you’re using Chrome, you would click on this little arrow and you would hit new incognito window. And then this window pops up and then you will go over here to your actual application deal control, copy. Then we would go back over to our incognito window, wherever that is paste. Boom. And then now this is going to be in this own separate window. And then, then you would just open up a new incognito window, right? So you would just say a new window and then, and boom, it would pop up. And it really technically can have, because they’re in cotton, you know, you really can have them beside each other because they’re in cotton, you know, and you would just copy paste your deal and then do a zoom link. Okay. So that’s what I mean when I say open up an incognito window, but once they’re all filled out and let me go back over here and show you. So once you have all the applications filled out, let’s just say, you’re at the applied right now.
You would all that is information, and then you would do it. You would do it all. You would do all of them. And then once they’ve been done, all submit, submit on each page. So you hit submit that one to then our next one, so on and so forth. And that’s gonna help you increase your chances of being approved for all the cards before the other card issuers, see that you’ve applied for the card, and this is highly relevant for Citi because they won’t see that you apply for the card because you’re submitting them all at once and they’re gonna make their approval based off what they see at your credit report at that particular time, when you submit the application, which is why you can do the mass emission and it kind of hacks the system, so to speak for the approval. Okay. Based off the rules that I broke down.
All right. Um, so that’s how we do that. And now let me break this other thing down the reconsideration lines. So typically what’s going to happen is you’re going to get an instant approval status. Um, but if you don’t get an instant approval, if you don’t get an instant approval, you’ll get an application status. So what you can do is you can either call or view your results online. Now, when you do the reconsideration line, each bank is going to have one of these. And you’ll, you’re only going to use the reconsideration line. If for whatever reason you were declined, you receive information via email or via the via the mail saying that we have chosen not to move forward with your application at this time. Um, because what you can do with the reconsideration line is you can request another review of your, your application.
And then when you’re calling the reconsideration line, um, let me give you a couple of key points here is, is obvious, but I just want to make sure this is clear. Number one, always be pleasant. Okay? You are calling a human being who has the power potentially to get your application pushed through, because again, remember automated underwriting automatically declined you. So when you call this individual, they low key, have the power. If you’re sweet and nice to them to potentially push your application through for the approval. So always be pleasant. Couple of things always build rapport. Hey, how’s your day going? Right? How’s your summer going? Whatever. Be nice to them. Okay. Another key point once you’ve done being nice, being pleasant, you’ve built rapport, present your case. Hey, look, I believe that I should be approved for this car because of X, Y, Z X, Y, Z.
I have a strong income. I don’t have any inquiries. Um, I’m looking to build a really good relationship with your particular bank and, um, yeah, and just present all the reasons why you feel like you should have a card, right. And they’ll be like, okay. And then they’re going to go and be able to get you the approval based off the requirements or the not. And again, you want to make sure when you’re on the phone with the reconsideration line, that you also make reference of the rules that are outlined as well. So for instance, if you’re on a reconsideration line for chase and you know, you only apply for two Chase cards at once, and they’re saying, Hey, look, we’re, you know, where did.. Cause they’re going to tell you the reason too many cards in the last 24 months, whatever the case is.
And you happen to notice that one of the cards that this is why I tell people to wait to become an authorized user. But again, Chase includes authorized user in their automated algorithm as a 5 and 24. So if you’re on the phone with that person, you can say, Hey, look, um, I’m no longer, I’m no longer an authorized user on that card. Or I am an authorized user on our card. That’s why that, so I don’t, but I don’t have access to it, right. Or you can just say, Hey, look, I’ve removed myself being an authorized user on that card. And that’s the reason why I have I needed, deserve. I needed to have access to this car. Last thing I’m really breaking now here with the reconsideration line is present your case and have facts and figures to back up. Why you’re saying what you’re saying and justifying why they should issue the credit.
Now, the other reason why I keep referencing US credit card guide is because of this. So when you look at the US credit card guide, we’re getting all the information we need about the card, all the benefits disadvantages. We understand how to do our research, but at the end of this card, it, it has a after applying information. So with Chase specifically, they’re saying, Hey, look, if you call this number, you can call this number to check your application status. And this is an automated telephone line in that information has the following meetings. Basically it says, if you receive a decision in two weeks, your application is probably approved. If it says you’re gonna receive a decision within seven to 10 days, it means your application is probably declined. If you receive a decision that says 30 days simply means they need more information.
And when I apply this exact thing happened, um, I had to give them additional information on my credit report because I had a fraud alert. And then, you know what, that’s something else. I’m I know, at the end of this, you want to remove the fraud alert from your credit report before you apply on these, on these applications, because they are almost always going to say, your review is pending. If you don’t remove the fraud alert, so you need to do that. But the other point I’m making here with the after applying, but the reconsideration line is you can find them on all of these links. So we click right here. Chase is really, really good with theirs, but even on the Citi card, um, Citi doesn’t seem like it, it doesn’t seem like it has for Citi. So all I would do is type in city reconsideration line, nice and easy city reconsideration line, and it always pops up.
Right. And then they’re going to just give you the information on how to do the city reconsideration line, right? So 2020 reconsideration lines and American Express, and this is the, like, it’s a really good resource as well as outlining all the reconsideration lines. All right. So here’s the one for Citi, um, right here, right? So this is how I would do that. But the point is is that this reconsideration line is powerful, right? This is powerful. You do not want to just accept the client, call them back and see if you can get them to reconsider because all banks allow a reconsideration or another review. Because again, as we already understand, we were running into the automated underwriting system. Okay. So let’s go ahead and wrap this bad boy up and talk about managing billing dates. Okay. So this is really important because there’s a difference between our statement date and our closing date.
So the statement date moving forward is going to be highly relevant. Again, this wasn’t as important with those tier one and tier two cards, but it’s going to be really, really important for tier three and tier four cards. So our statement date is the date. Two things happen. The first date, the reason why he didn’t know what your statement closing date is, is because this is the date. Finances charges are calculated. Remember we’re not going to keep balances on our cards. Okay. Um, if we do the introductory offers though, we’re not going to get any finance charges on these cards, typically, especially for those tier one cards, because they’re 0% for like 12 months or 15 months. So we’re not necessarily as concerned with the finance charges with those tier three cards, it will happen with the tier four cards. The most important point on managing the statement closing date is because this is also the date reported to the credit bureaus.
And when I say report it, the date that they report your balances to the credit Bureau. So we already understand that utilization is worth 30% of our score. So if we’re using any percentage of credit, we want to make sure that the balance on our statement closing date is at zero no more than 7%. Now, the reason why I’m really driving this home is because this is totally different than your payment to due date. These dates can be different. Can you get them on the same? You can request that. But typically the statement closing date and the payment due date are going to be, they can be different. So the payment due date is just when you have to make your minimum monthly payment, but it’s different from the credit reporting date, unless you request that. So you just want to make sure that you know what this date is. So that way you can ensure that the balance is not reporting that day. And to keep yourself organized, we’d go right back over to this particular credit card tracking sheet. And we can put the payment date right here. So that way we know what that is, just stay on track. Okay. But this really much, this pretty much wraps up this module. So you have all the information you need to go out and apply for applications. And I will see you in the next video.